
His lips curled into a small smile, "I'm glad."

"Oh, hey, Venus- didn't see you there," Mercury spoke, inching away from the other to give him some room.

Venus said nothing as he watched the scene.

» × «

"Hey, Earth! Look what I found!" Theia floated up to him, spinning around.

"An asteroid...?" Proto-Earth muttered, confused.

"It's not just any asteroid!" Theia huffed, turning it around, "Look!"

On the other side was a drawing of the two of them holding hands with a carving above it saying 'lonely buddies forever.'



"We don't have hands."

Theia gave him a look.

"It looks nice though!" Proto-Earth smiled awkwardly.

"That's what I thought." Theia smiled, "I'm going to carve some for the others! I'll be right back."

Theia turned to float away, but Proto-Earth called her back, "Wait-!"

The brown planet looked back at the other, "Yes?"

Proto-Earth hesitated, the words dying on his lips as her eyes looked into his. What was he going to say?

"Uh, come back safely, alright?" Proto-Earth pulled a strained smile.

"Okay...?" Theia raised an eyebrow, giggling a bit, "See you later, Earth."

» × «

"Hey!" Theia yelled as she was flung back, nearly crashing into Proto-Earth.

"Woah-! Theia? Are you okay?" Proto-Earth asked, immediately checking her over.

"I'm fine, it's just Venus..." Theia sighed.

Proto-Earth glanced up, meeting Venus' glare, "What's up with him?"

"He's officially lost all of his life," Theia spoke.


"He's just having an off day. He'll be better in no time!" Theia nodded to herself, keeping her composure.

"You believe that?" Proto-Earth asked, looking at her.

"Of course!" Theia smiled, meeting his eyes.

A moment went by in which they were silent, staring at each other softly.


"Thank you."

Theia blinked, surprised, "F-For what?"

"Helping me." Proto-Earth smiled, his eyes crinkling, "Without you, I would probably be alone forever."

"Don't say that!" Theia lightly glared at him, "There are loads of planets around that would love to be your friend!"

Proto-Earth chuckled, "I'm just glad to have one, which is you."

Theia grinned, leaning forward.

Proto-Earth's eyes widened, "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a hug."

"Isn't that... dangerous?"

"I tried it with Jupiter and nothing happened. Come on- just let me hug you, you don't have to do anything."

"If you're so sure."

Theia moved slowly, latching onto the other's orbit and leaning in.

Proto-Earth froze upon sensing a feeling of relief and comfort. It felt so warm despite their contrasting temperatures.

He leaned into the hug, letting himself relax.

That was his first mistake.

Excruciating pain followed as a scream erupted from both of them, one of them dissipating into the space around them, spreading out into pieces of debris, becoming non-existent.

Earth saw colorful blurs and a bright light before everything around him faded out.

» NOTE «



Well, what'd you expect-?

Comments are appreciated <3

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