889 24 26

TWs: Dying planet, asteroids, accidental colliding. Stay safe :)

"Hey, you're Proto-Earth, right?" A whimsical voice asked.

"Uh, yeah... can I help you?" The molten planet questioned, his gaze wandering.

"My name is Theia." The planet smiled, "I was wondering if you wanted to be friends."

"Friends...?" Proto-Earth's eyes widened, "With me?"

"Well, why not?" Theia grinned.

Proto-Earth looked around, spotting Venus, a planet that once had surface water and microbial life, and now had a rough and rocky surface as all the water he once had evaporated due to the volcanic activity and high temperatures and pressures on his surface. Proto-Earth felt bad for him, yet he knew deep down that he wouldn't be able to keep it stable as Venus was the second closest to the Sun. Proto-Earth recalled Theia hanging out with him multiple times...

"Hello? Theia to Proto-Earth?"

"Huh-? Oh, sorry. I dozed off for a moment there..."

"It's okay. So, do you want to be friends? You don't have to say yes-"

"Why do you want to be friends with me?" Proto-Earth asked.

Theia frowned, humming as she looked around, "I don't know. Do I have to have a reason?"

"I mean, no, but-"

"You just seem lonely."

Proto-Earth blinked, "Lonely...?"

The molten planet glanced around, seeing that Mars, Venus, and Mercury were hanging out. Jupiter and Saturn were talking. He couldn't quite make out what the other three planets were doing, but he assumed they were also together somewhere.

"Oh, I suppose I am lonely." Proto-Earth frowned.

Theia looked at him before smiling, "Well, don't worry! I'll be your lonely buddy!"

"Lonely buddy?"

"Yeah! We can be lonely together!" Theia twirled around him.

"That sounds... nice." Proto-Earth smiled for the first time in a while.

» × «

"This is a game that I like to call asteroid dodge." Theia presented an asteroid to Proto-Earth, "Whoever gets hit with an asteroid first, loses."

Proto-Earth nodded, already intrigued by the game's mechanics. He gravitated an asteroid towards him.

"Alright, ready? Get set... go!" Theia shouted as she pulled the asteroid held in her gravity back and launched it at Proto-Earth.

The planet's eyes widened as he quickly dodged out of the way, throwing his asteroid at her.

The game went on for a while, the duo going back and forth with their asteroids. Some planets stopped to watch the game, such as Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury.

"This game looks fun," Mars spoke, smiling a bit.

"Woah-!" Theia gasped as she was grazed by an asteroid, knocking her off balance and causing her to spin on her axis.

"Theia! Are you okay?" Proto-Earth let go of the asteroids in his gravity, worried for his friend.

"Ah, yeah-!" The planet laughed, "You caught me by surprise there, Earth!"


"Don't apologize! That was the most fun I've had ever!" Theia grinned.

Proto-Earth looked at her, feeling his core warm at the sight of the other's smile, "Really...?"

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