16. Engagement

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About Two Years Later 

Carlos' POV

"I have something to ask you." Xander says coming to sit on my lap.

"Me too. I was waiting for you to get home."

"Hmm, at the same time?"

"No, you go first."

"Okay, if you insist." Xander says with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes." I say nodding and smiling. I thought I was going to ask first. Plans never work when it comes to surprising Xander.

He grins. "Did you hear what I asked?"

"Yes." I reply.

I see him take something out of his pocket. A jewelry box, he opens it to reveal a ring with a ruby in the middle. He slides the ring on my ring finger and kisses it. "I like it on you."

"I thought I was going to ask." I tell him.

"You can ask too." He smiles.

"Xander, will you marry me?" I ask.

His grin becomes bigger if possible and wraps his arms around my shoulders to kiss me. When he breaks the kiss, he exclaims, "Yes!"

"We need to celebrate this. I need to get you your ring."

"Where is it?" He asks.

"In the bedroom." I say tighten my hold on him and getting up. "And we're going to go get it. Because someone couldn't wait to ask—he smiles—celebration plans have to shift."

"So how are we celebrating?" Xander asks with a smirk.

He must have something in mind. "I want to do something different." I whisper sucking on his neck.

"What?" Xander asks.

"I want you to ride me." I whisper making Xander shiver. "Will you?"

Xander nods crashing his lips against me, he unwraps his legs from around me, and backs me against the wall.

"The ring." I say.

"Later." He replies.

I guess it can wait...

"When are we getting married?" I ask now that we're lying down and facing each other; I run my finger over his lips.

"In a year and a half? I'll be done with college in one and it gives us six months to plan it." Xander says.

"Yes, my fiance."

Xander smiles. "Did you tell your dads you were going to ask me to marry you?"

I smile. "I told them and your parents four months ago. I was waiting for tomorrow. I had it all planned, but like we know someone couldn't wait."


"There's no need to apologize. I take it you told your parents?"

"Yes. I told them I would just spring it on you. They thought I should have planned something, but then again they know I like doing things when I feel like it. Since they knew what you were planning that must have been another reason. "

"Yes, you are spontaneous when it comes to certain things. Not complaining." I say; I start to get up, but I get pulled back by Xander.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To get your ring."

"Oh, yes, yes, go get my ring!" He exclaims pushing me to go making me chuckle.

Xander's POV

He makes his way to the closet.

"Like what you see?" Carlos turns around at the door.

"I'm thinking about it." I tease.

He comes back with the ring box in his hand. I smile at him. He comes closer to the bed, but stops at the edge, and tells me to come closer to him. I do. He surprises me by kneeling down and taking my hand in his.

"Xander, I know I already asked, but I want to do it traditionally as traditionally as this can be. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me happy every second you spend with me. When you're not with me, I'm counting the time until I get to see you again. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

"Yes." I reply.

He slips the ring, it has my birthstone in the middle. I smile at us having chosen to include each other's birthstone in our engagement ring.

"It has an inscription." Carlos says taking a seat beside me.

"What does it say?" I ask taking it off to see.

"The year we made it official."

"When you asked me to become your boyfriend." I state as I read it.


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I turn around to capture his lips. I can't get enough of him. He brings me closer to him, his hands on my hips, my hand on his hair, I pull it as I break the kiss. I want better access to his neck, he obliges. I suck on it..

"Xand--" Carlos moans.


I find myself on my back as Carlos takes my member in his hand and trails kisses down my abs, my hips, and my legs. I feel his breath on my member. We lock eyes as he slowly strokes it. I let out a protest. He lets my member go and begins kissing my thighs.


"Yes?" I hear the smile in his voice.

He likes teasing me as much as I like teasing him. It would be a lie to say I didn't enjoy it. I move my hand to grab my member.

"Don't." He growls pushing my hand away from it.

It's great that spring break started today.


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