4. Confess

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Enjoy! :)


"Dads can I talk to you?" I ask as I enter their bedroom.

"Of course. Come sit here." Papa, Robert, says patting the space between them.

I climb on their bed and sit between them, my back against the headboard.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Dad, Esteban, asks.

"Hmm." I say twisting my hands. I didn't think it would be difficult to say it aloud. I was ready to tell them.

"What ever it is we love you." Papa says.

"I know." I whisper.

"What did you have to tell us?" Dad prompts.

"I like someone. No, that's wrong." I say shaking my head. "I love someone."

I feel Papa give my hand a squeeze.

"But he's about two years younger than me."

"Okay." Dad says. "Does he love you back?"

"Yes, at least I think so. I hope so."

"Hmm, so who is it?" Papa asks.

Should I tell them? I came to tell them.

"Is it Xander?" Papa asks making me turn to look at him.

How did he know?

He must see the surprise because he says, "Well, you don't like anyone sleeping in your bed and you let him sleep in it."

"And we see how your relationship with him has been changing." Dad adds making me turn to him.

"Yes, it is." I say looking down.

Papa puts his finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

"There's nothing wrong with you loving him, though there is the issue of your age because you're both at different stages in life. You're going off to college in the fall and he's starting his sophomore year in high school."

"I know."

"It's one of the challenges you both will have to face." Dad explains.

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not. The most important thing for us is that all of you are happy." Papa says.

"What do you think Xander's parents are going to say?"

"I'm sure they'll be okay with it. They're just going to worry about what we just mentioned." Dad replies.

"And of course we will have to have the sex talk." Papa says teasingly.

"Papa!" I say covering my face with my hands. Why am I embarrassed?

"We do. We don't want you having sex, but it's not like we can't prevent it."

"We're not even dating. I'm still figuring things out." I say.

"Great, so that means it gives it about a year before you both have sex." Papa teases. "Besides, I'm sure Nate wouldn't want to learn Xander has had sex any time soon."


"Sorry, Carlos. We both know papa, he'll have to have his fun."


"It just means we love you very much." Dad says hugging me.

"Do you think I could take him to prom?" I ask. "Xander." I clarify.

"I don't see why not." Dad replies. "Hmm, it would be good to ask Seth and Nate."

"Have you talked to Xander about your feelings?" Papa asks.

"Not really."

"You should. It's best when things are expressed."

"I'll talk to him when they get back from visiting the grandparents. Soon."

They nod.

"You didn't have to be so worried about telling us." Papa says.

"I know. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Papa says.

"And we're glad you trust us to tell us." Dad adds.

"So any planning for taking Xander to prom?" Papa asks.

"I don't know. First, I have to see if he'll say yes."

"He will."

"You can't know that."

"Listen to me, he will say yes, so what's next."

"Hmm, well, will you both teach me how to dance?" I ask.

"Of course we will." Dad responds.

"Aww, that's going to be so romantic." Papa states.

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Papa."

He grabs my cheeks, "I'm not, he will say yes! And dad will start teaching you how to dance tomorrow." Papa says.

"Papa let go." I tell him.

"Oops sorry."

"I love you papa." I say. "Love you too dad."

"Love you back."

Smiling I say goodnight before making my way to my bedroom. I get under the covers before I grab my phone to say goodnight to Xander.


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