1. Tricks

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Some of you said that Carlos and Xander made a cute couple and/or wanted a story about them, so here it is! I really shouldn't have started this story with two already ongoing stories, but oh, well :). I'll try my best to keep updating them all. To have just decided to write their story, I already have a lot of it planned out. It's going to be similar to Robert and Esteban's story, some times skips. Enjoy :).


Xander's POV


I joined Danny, Caleb, and Carlos at the treehouse and listened to their conversation.

"I like skateboarding too." I said to Carlos when we were walking back to the backyard with our food.

Carlos smiled, "Do you have a skateboard?"

"No, my dads said they might buy me one for my birthday. It's in a few months."

"When they do and if Robert and Esteban buy me a skateboard would you like to practice together?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.


I smile. When I first met Carlos, I was nine and he was twelve and now I'm fourteen and he's seventeen. My dads did get me a skateboard for my tenth birthday and his dads did the same and that day I convinced my parents to take us to the skateboarding park. They almost got a heart attack when I tried the ramp. Fortunately, I didn't break anything. I was just sore from the fall, but it made them always check I was wearing protective gear.



"I want to try the ramps!" I said excitedly as I ran to it with my skateboard.

"No, first we are going to learn some tricks before we ride the ramps. It'll look better. We can use those in the ramps." Carlos said catching up with me and grabbing my arm leading me to the part of the park with no ramps.

"Okay. Like what?" I exclaim.

"We are going to try an Ollie first."


"Okay, skateboard on the ground."

I nod and do as he says.

"So your foot should be in the middle end of the skateboard and the back one near the back of the board. You have to slide your front foot to the front of the board, at ninety degree angle."

"Okay." I say following what he just showed me.

"Move your front foot at ninety degree angle."

After making us practice just the movements of our feet Carlos continues with the next set of instructions.

"Now push forward with your front foot." Carlos says. "At the same time, you're pressing your back foot on the tail of the board. We're bringing our knees high for the 'jump' and then back to the board." He tries it. He lands on the same spot slightly shaking, but retains his balance.

"That was good. Did you already try it?"

"I have been practicing."

"Not fair."

"Hey, go on give it a try."

Before I hit the ground, Carlos caught me. "That was good for a first try."

"No, it wasn't." I replied.

"It was. Give it another go."

We kept practicing it and I had a better grasp of how to do it by the time we had to go home.


Today, Carlos and I are meeting to go to the ramps. I grab my skateboard before I head downstairs. I hear someone in the kitchen, I peek in to see my dad, Seth.

"Dad, I'm going." I tell him.

He turns around to look at me. I know he's making sure I'm wearing my protective gear or he won't let me out of the house. That's the condition for skateboarding.

"Okay, just be home in time for dinner. Don't make me go get you from the park." He states.

I smile, sometimes we loose track of time and it's two hours before dinner. "I'll make it back for dinner." I respond giving him a kiss and a hug.

"Okay, take care."

"Yes, dad. See you later."

"Later, love you."

"Love you too."

At the end of the street, I see Carlos already waiting for me. It's great having all of my adopted cousins on the same street. They're always near.

"Ready?" Carlos asks.

"Of course." I respond.

He's still taller than me. I wonder if I'll catch up to him. He's four inches taller than me.

Carlos' POV

His birthday is coming up soon. What should I get him? He'll be fifteen. What doesn't he have? A necklace with a skateboard pendant on it? He doesn't have one. Yes with the date on it. I'll have to go to the mall later.

I smile when I see him approaching, "Ready?" I ask.

"Of course." He responds.

We do spend too much time skateboarding at least that's what my dad says. It's one of my favorite things to do besides it's something Xander and I have done since our parents bought us our skateboard. We get inside the car and he chooses the music.

"Dad said to make it home for dinner because he doesn't want to have to come get me." Xander says with a smile in his voice.

"We know he will or will send someone to drag us back." I respond remembering the time we both missed dinner, our parents showed up at the park.

Our punishment for making them worried because we didn't even call was taking our skateboards and cell phone away for a week and making us do the dishes. Papa said since we didn't know how to use our phones we might as well not have one and Seth agreed with him.

"Yes and I don't want them taking away my skateboard again." Xander says.

"Yes, but it still wouldn't prevent us from hanging out."

"They might add that as punishment." Xander says laughing. "Saying that you're a bad influence, since you don't know how to keep track of time."

"Why me?"

"You're older."

"But you're also to blame." I respond. "You should know better too."

"I'm younger."

"That's not an excuse."

"It is." He says before he starts singing along the song.

"You go first." I tell Xander.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go on. I'll watch."

I see him get to the top of the ramp before he drops in. On the other end, he does an ollie fakie executing it perfectly. I smile. His body moves fluidly. You can see the hints of muscles and his slightly long dark hair, how it fans behind him with his movements. The smile, he sports makes him look so carefree. I want to see that all the time.


What do you think comes next?

Thanks for reading, voting, and/or commenting. I would like to hear from you, silent readers. :)

Skateboarding LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora