10. At the Beach

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Enjoy! :)


Xander's POV

"It's similar to the one you gave me." I say as Carlos opens his present.

A smile spreads on his face, "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

"Put it on?" He asks handing it to me.

"Of course." I say taking it from him.

I place my chin on Carlos' shoulder as I show him the inscription on the skateboard pendant. "18 years old, your one love."

He places his hand on top of mine. "Thank you." He says turning his face to give me a kiss. "I really like it."

"You're welcome. Me too."

"Are we staying here?" Carlos asks turning to look at the beach.

"Yes." I reply wrapping my arms around him.

He switches our positions so that I'm on his lap.

"I was sitting behind you!"

"But I want to see you." He says kissing my nose.

I smile.

"Besides, I can keep you warm like this." Carlos says.

"It's not cold."

"Hmm." Carlos says wrapping his arms tighter around me. "I like the sunset."

"Just the sunset?" I turn around.

"No." He states, I feel him smiling against my neck.

"What else then?" I ask.

"I like chocolate chip cookies, oreos and cream ice cream, the necklace-"

I slap his hand away from me.

"Hey, but I love you!" Carlos says pushing me on my back and kissing me all over my face.

"Get off." I try to keep from smiling.

"Nope, I love you!"

"Carlos, I got it."

"No." He says before pressing his lips against mine.

He licks my bottom lip before he grazes it with his teeth. I dig my fingers into his back. He sucks on it before his tongue slips into my mouth. I pull him closer to me if we could get closer. He guides my tongue at his will. He keeps kissing me, eliciting moans, I don't want the kiss to stop even if I need air. He breaks the kiss. We make eye contact. I can still feel my lips. If Carlos wasn't so close I might touch my lips to confirm.

"Your lips..." I whisper.

"Your's are swollen." Carlos whispers.

I smile against his lips. I bring myself up to kiss him.

"We have to go." Carlos says in between breaking the kiss.

I don't let him. I don't want to.


I turn us around; it takes him by surprise. It allows me to slip my tongue in his mouth and pin his hands above his head. I break the kiss to trail kisses along his neck.




I smile against his neck. I know we do have a curfew, but we'll be fine. I trail kisses along his jaw before claiming his lips. He takes control of the kiss before he breaks it and sits up. He leaves some space between us.

"I have to be careful with you." Carlos says.

"Why?" I smirk. Who knew I had this side.

"You'll get me in trouble. You're family is protective of you."

"We'll be fine."

"No, you'll be fine. I won't. We're staying at your grandparents. Your grandpa basically said if he caught us having sex he would castrate me."

I can't help, but laugh. "He didn't?" I ask through the laughter.

"Would I kid about that?"

"I guess not."

"Stop laughing we have to go. We have enough time to make it back if there's no traffic." Carlos says getting up.

Well, that ruined the mood. Not that I would have done anything else here. We're at the beach and the parents made sure we don't take it further than kisses.


"Oh." Oops, I got distracted. I stand up to follow him.

Carlos' POV

Yes, I have to be careful with Xander. Who knew he would be such an initiator? I knew it was going to be a temptation, he has been a temptation all day in his swimsuit. I have to admit I love him taking control. What would it be like-no, not those thoughts. Think something else; Emilio's threat if we have sex here. Yes that would be terrible. Parents' images. Ugh.

"There we had enough time before the curfew." Xander says as I park.

"Barely." I reply.

"You worried too much." Xander says leaning forward to kiss when we hear someone knocking on my car's door.

I open it and get out and walk around to open the door for Xander.

"I was about to go looking for you both." Emilio states.

"Emilio stop scaring Carlos." Elizabeth says coming to Emilio's side. "Don't pay him any mind. Let's all go in. I made some hot chocolate and we have some cupcakes."

"Great!" Xander says taking my hand.

Good thing we just came over for the weekend. I don't think I could handle any more time.

"So how was your day out together?" Elizabeth asks.

"We went swimming. I gave Carlos his birthday present, and then we watched the sunset." Xander explains.

"I'm assuming there was some kissing, right?"

"Grandma!" Xander says, a blush gracing his cheeks.

"It's only natural, right Emilio?"


"Don't be so serious or you can sleep outside."

I can't help the chuckle that escapes, which I try to cover with a cough. They have a hammock in their backyard.


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