12. Graduation

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They're growing up! :) Enjoy!


Xander's POV

I'm graduating at last! All that work was worth it. Carlos and I won't have to wait to see each other. We'll be moving into the same apartment in the fall when I start college. I can't believe it. And everyone is coming to my graduation! I smile staring in the mirror.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Are you ready?" Danny asks.

"Yes, I am." I grin. "Where's dad?"

"They're downstairs. I think dad, Nate is trying to calm, Seth down."

"He's going to cry, isn't he?" I ask.


"I don't want to see him cry."

"It's not because of you. It's just that their youngest is graduating and he'll be leaving for college sooner than they expected."

"I shouldn't have graduated earlier."

"It has nothing to do with that. They understand. They're proud of you for doing so."


"They are." Danny says hugging me. "So let's get going. You have to be there early."

I nod. "I'm ready to go." I enter the living room to find Nate kissing Seth who's is on his lap; that's how he's calming him down. "Get a room." I say.

"Ready to go?" Nate asks while Seth is blushing and getting off him.


"Let's go then." Seth states grabbing the keys from the coffee table.

Carlos' POV

I haven't seen Xander in over a month. I wish I had had a chance to see him before the graduation ceremony began. We're sitting on the stands waiting to see them walk out and take their seats. I hope it doesn't rain; there are some clouds, but it isn't so cloudy.

"When is it starting?" Mickey asks.

"It shouldn't be long now." Robert responds.

"Good because these seats are not comfortable. My bottom might fall asleep."

I chuckle trying to hold in my laugh.

"Mickey! What did we say?" Esteban asks.

I turn to see that Robert is trying to hold in his laughter.

"I don't remember." Mickey says innocently.

"What are we going to do with you?" Esteban says under his breath.

"Love me. Care for me. Love me." Mickey responds hugging Esteban.

I smile. He started saying that to get out of trouble and it works with both of them.

"Yes, love you. What else can we do?" Esteban responds to the hug.

"They're coming out." I say turning their attention to the graduation.

The ceremony begins. I smile. We're closer to moving in together. We've found an apartment off campus and after convincing his parents that we could manage living on own, they decided to help us while he and I finish college. We'll be living on our own; no interruptions...

"Stop spacing out." Danny says elbowing me.

"That hurt." I whisper.

"They're going to start calling names." He whispers.

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