Chapter Twenty One

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The twelve split up with Laney and Jade going to Ollie and Bonnie's place and all the boys, including Chan, staying at the dorm. They thought it would be good if the girls and Ollie spent some time together while the boys did the same.

It was now the night before they all had to leave. Ollie was in their room trying to figure out what to pack. Bonnie did the same as music played in the living so both could hear it. None of the guys would spill the beans on where they were taking them and all four were stressed because they didn't know what to pack for.

There was a knock on the door. Before Ollie or Bonnie could get to it, someone on the other end knocked like a crazy person. "Kai Ollie, open this door! Jade is killing me." It was Laney. Bonnie and Ollie looked at each other with a questioning look. Ollie walked to the door, Bonnie close behind them. The scene in front of them broke them out in laughter. Ollie put both hands on their knees as they struggled to breathe, Bonnie leaning over and using Ollie for support.

Jade stood there, two bags on each arm and a suitcase beside her. Poor Laney had her bag and suitcase along with three more bags that belonged to Jade. She had them piled in her arms and they reached up to her nose as she glared at the two laughing in the doorway and Jade stood there smiling like she had done nothing wrong.

"Well, are you gonna help me?" Laney huffed.

This only made Ollie laugh harder. Between laughs, Ollie tried asking something but couldn't get it out, so they only nodded as they grabbed the bags from Laney and Bonnie took some from Jade. They all dropped the stuff in the living room; a pile of bags and suitcases now covered the floor.

"Damn, Jade, how much stuff do you need?" Ollie looked at all the bags and then her.

"Seriously, I think she brought everything she owns." Bonnie looked at the bags then Jade.

Laney shook her head. "Girl, I really don't think you are even going to need all this."

"Well, if you must know, I'm not even packed firstly and secondly, yeah, I brought everything. I don't know what to pack for and I don't know what kind of vibe I want to dress for," she said matter-of-factly.

Ollie went back to their room to pack the rest of their stuff. Bonnie had finished, so she thought she would try and help Jade and Laney. At some point, Laney went to check on Ollie. As she moved through the pile of clothes that now littered the living room, some might think Jade was moving in.

Ollie's door was cracked and Laney used one finger to slowly push the door open and peek in.

Ollie was sitting on their bed with clothes surrounding them and a suitcase behind them. They folded clothes, put something in, and then took it out before staring at it.

"Are you having a hard time?" She tilted her head at them and Ollie's head snapped up to look at her. They nodded and she walked into the room then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Can I help?" she asked and Ollie nodded again.

Laney knew Ollie well enough by now to know that when they were overwhelmed, they would shut down. Normally, Changbin was the one who handled things like this. He had the magic touch when it came to Ollie. He knew how to pull them out of the overthinking and stress and Laney understood that. Chan was the magic key to her panic attacks. But Changbin wasn't here and she wanted to help her friend. Plus, it would be easier than dealing with Jade's mess out there.

"Okay, so, what are we thinking?" Laney thumbed through the shirts that sat beside her.

"I don't know, Pookie. What do I even pack for? Will it be cold? Hot? Do I need nice clothes or just comfortable ones?" Ollie rubbed their face and breathed heavily. "And, like, what if there's a pool or just water all together? I don't really have swimwear 'cause what the hell do I wear for that?" Ollie rambled on and everything they had been thinking this whole time poured out of them.

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