Chapter Eighteen (A Little Snippet about O & B)

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TW: Mention of trans-related matters.

3rd Person POV

Ollie's alarm blasted in their ears as they blinked their eyes a few times before grabbing their phone as it vibrated in their hand and turned the alarm off. They rolled onto their back and let out a yawn before reaching their arms and legs out to stretch. Ollie sat up and pulled the neck of the hoodie up to their nose and took a small sniff, Changbin's cologne making its way into their nose.

After Ollie got dressed, they threw their sleeping clothes into the basket in the corner of the room and laid Changbin's hoodie on their bed. Ollie grabbed the basket in the corner of the room, grabbing the clothes that overflowed onto the floor, Changbin's clothes mixed with theirs. They cracked Bonnie's door and grabbed her basket before closing the door. They walked into the shared bathroom, opened the washer, threw everyone's clothes into it along with a pod, and closed the door to start it.

Once Ollie washed their face and brushed their teeth, they exited the bathroom, turning the light off. They walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer, grabbed three of the balls of pre-cooked rice that they had made a day ago, and popped them in the rice cooker to reheat them. Ollie then walked to the glass doors in the kitchen and opened the curtains, clothes that were put out to dry the day before hung on the drying rack.

Ollie turned and walked to the fridge and opened it, grabbing three eggs before finding a pan. The rice cooker beeped letting them know the rice was heated up. They grabbed three bowls, sat them down, put one ball of rice in a bowl, and laid a cooked egg over it before cracking an egg and cooking that one, as well. Ollie ate their rice and egg as they cooked the other two. They finished their food and put their bowl in the sink before taking the two bowls with steaming food and setting them on the small kotatsu in the living room, turning the small heated table on. As they did so, they heard the washer beep, signifying that the washer was done. Ollie walked over to Bonnie's bedroom door and opened it.

"Oi, time to wake up you two," Ollie said as they turned on Bonnie's light and walked into the room. Both Bonnie and Felix sat up, their hair a mess and they looked at Ollie as they walked over to the windows and opened the curtains to let some natural light in. "Breakfast is on the table and the table should be warmed up," Ollie informed them. Like zombies, Bonnie and Felix got out of bed, waddled into the living room, and sat on the floor, sliding under the kotatsu. Ollie walked past them as the couple picked up their chopsticks and held them as they gave them a small bow. "Thank you for the food," the two spoke at the same time as Ollie nodded and continued walking into the bathroom.

Ollie took the wet clothes out of the washer and threw them into the clean basket that was stacked on top of the other two baskets. They picked up the baskets and clothes before walking out of the bathroom and to the patio, opening the door. They sat the baskets down as they picked up the dry clothes, folding them as they did so, and putting them in their piles according to whose clothes were whose before hanging the wet clothes on the now empty drying rack. Ollie walked back inside now with three empty baskets and a handful of clean clothes. They then put the clean folded clothes on the couch behind the two sleepyheads. Bonnie had her head on Felix's shoulder as she shoved food in her mouth and chewed. She stared at the TV that played some cartoons as Felix did the same while he ate. Ollie grabbed their clothes and the few of Changbin's that sat with theirs before walking into their room and putting them away.

When Ollie walked back out, the two zombies that were sitting at the kotatsu were gone, their clothes too, and Ollie assumed they were getting dressed. As Ollie waited, they washed the dishes that had been used that morning before drying and putting them away.

"Ten minutes guys, let's go," Ollie said as they landed one single knock on Bonnie's door. Two muffled okay's were heard in response so Ollie walked over to the front door and put their shoes on then waited for the other two to emerge from the room.

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