Chapter Ten

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3rd Person POV

When Laney arrived at The Nightclub---that's literally its name—the bouncer had them all give their names and check ID's before letting them in. Music was blaring as it trailed out the door; lights were flashing and bodies were pressed together as people danced to the beat.

As Bonnie led everyone to the bar, Laney let the thump of the music soak into her veins as she followed, doing little dances. The group approached the bar to find Ollie drying a glass with a towel as they spotted them.

"I was starting to worry you guys weren't coming! What can I start you off with?"

They were wearing a short-sleeved loose T-shirt that showed off the tattoos on their forearms and biceps. Ollie had a smile on their face as Bonnie and Jade ordered their drinks. Changbin wasted no time walking up to the bar and taking a seat on one of the stools.

Ollie quickly made the two drinks before asking Changbin what he wanted. Felix threw in his order at the same time and Ollie quickly made them as they spun bottles of alcohol in their hands, some of it flying out of the spout as they poured it into the glass.

Soon, everyone but Chan and Seungmin had a drink in their hand, sipping away happily. Jade and Jisung slipped away as she yelled out something about the current track that played being "her song." Chan sauntered away with Jeongin, Seungmin, Minho, and Hyunjin, but Laney paid no mind as to where they went.

She sat at the bar with Bonnie, Felix, and Changbin, downing the few shots that Ollie had set in front of her.

"This place is nice!" Changbin yelled over the music as he leaned in so Ollie could hear him better. Ollie's eyes flicked down to Changbin's chest as he leaned, his shirt falling open a bit. They quickly looked away, not wanting to make anything obvious. They were still unsure about the things they felt when they were around Changbin and they weren't quite ready to admit anything to themselves just yet.

"It's pretty cool, right?" Ollie agreed as they wiped up the mess that was made from all the drinks they had just made. Laney tuned them out as they continued to talk, her eyes trailing over the many moving bodies on the dance floor. She motioned to Ollie, silently asking for another shot before spotting Jade and Jisung on the dance floor.

Their bodies were pressed together as they swayed to the beat. Jade had a huge smile on her face as she laughed at whatever Ji had said to her, his hands on her waist.

Seeing her best friend's smile made Laney happy. She knew what Jade had been through in her previous relationship, a conversation they had had during one of their slow days at the cafe. Jade hadn't dated anyone in years, instead choosing to have short flings so she wouldn't get attached to anyone. But Laney could tell that things with Jisung were different. Those two fit together like the last two puzzle pieces in a bigger picture. It just made sense.

"How did you even come across a place like this?" Hyunjin yelled as he walked over and placed his now empty cup on the bar. Ollie picked it up quickly before adding a bit more ice to the cup.

"Weirdly enough, Bonnie showed it to me. One of her Uni friends has an uncle who is the owner and they were hiring so I said why not? It's a job." They filled the glass with vodka before adding some orange juice and handing it back to Hyunjin.

"You're welcome!" Bonnie yelled as Jade and Jisung walked over, a small sheen of sweat coating their foreheads.

"I need a break. A girl loves to dance, but her body doesn't," she huffed. "Let's go sit with the boys." She grabbed Laney and Bonnie by the hand before yanking them off the barstools. Laney's drink splashed as her body jerked from the force, a bit spilling out.

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