Chapter Eleven

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Laney's POV

The next few days at the apartment had been a bit weird. Admitting our feelings to one another had changed everything and neither of us really knew how to act around each other now. We'd spent any free time we had together and it was nice. One morning, he got up early and made us both breakfast, which I happily devoured. We'd cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or we'd seclude ourselves in our separate bedrooms. This whole thing was new to me even though I'd been in relationships before. This one was different and I think we both felt how true that actually was.

Today was Tuesday which meant I got to work with both Bonnie and Jade today and that made me happy. If someone had asked me a few days ago how I felt about this place, I would say that I hated it with a passion. But recent events have changed my perspective. I look forward to my shifts now. It's the only time I get time with the girls without one of our boy "friends" interrupting us. Jade had finished cleaning up the mess we made during the rush as I wiped down the last few dirty tables. Bonnie took the few used cups I had in my hand and washed them quickly before setting them out to dry.

We'd finally hit a dead spot in the day and all three of us leaned against the counter as we took in the silence. Soft music played overhead but that was nothing to us. We were used to it. None of the tables were occupied and that meant we had time to relax. It didn't last long as Bonnie stared at her phone and gasped softly.

"You okay?" I asked her as her eyes scanned her phone.

"I'm fine, but I don't know if Changbin is," she replied, her fingers typing her screen quickly as she replied to whoever she was texting. I assumed it was Felix since something was said about his bandmate, but you could never be too sure with that social butterfly.

"Ji said something about him yesterday, too," Jade chimed in. Did something happen? Nothing registered in my brain as I thought back to the last few days. I don't recall anything other than Chan and I's situation at the club, but then again, I was pretty drunk after that. Hell, I don't even remember how we got home. Just flashes of Chan and Minho putting me in my bed.

"What's wrong with Binnie?" I asked softly as I began to worry. If he'd been acting differently, maybe something was wrong.

Jade shrugged while Bonnie kept her focus on her phone. "We don't know. Felix said he's been sulking a lot recently. No one saw him when he came home Saturday and when they saw him Sunday morning, he didn't say anything."

"Jisung also said he's been struggling in the studio, too," Jade added. My eyes widened at her words. I thought I was the only one outside the group who knew about the boys' secret. Did Chan know they knew? I made a mental note to ask them about this later. Right now, we need to figure out what's going on with Changbin.

"This is all news to me," I replied.

Jade tilted her head as she looked at me. "Chan didn't tell you?"

I shook my head. "He worked late last night and I fell asleep before he got home. I didn't see him this morning either."

She hummed in response.

Bonnie had shoved her phone in her back pocket by this point and she had her hand on her chin. I watched as her eyes darted back and forth. "You know, now that I think about it, Ollie has been acting strange as well. We know that they gave Changbin a ride home from the nightclub. Do you think something happened between them?"

"That's a good question."

The sound of the bell pulled us out of our conversation and as we turned to greet the new customer, we noticed it was Wooyoung.

"Hey, Woo! Long time no see," I greeted the man. "What brings you here?"

He removed the face mask he was wearing before smiling at us. Wooyoung's smile was infectious. It held so much joy, but there was a hint of mischief to it. You never knew if you were getting happy Wooyoung or chaotic Wooyoung when he smiled the way he was now.

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