Chapter Nine

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Chan's POV

After the group decided they wanted to play UNO, I sat in one of the beanbag chairs waiting for Laney to get back from the bathroom. I don't know why I did. It wasn't like she was going to speak to me anyway. Things had been ice cold between us since we kissed, but I still found myself wanting to be near her. Call me whipped, I don't know, but she was here and I wasn't going to let the time go to waste.

Jade walked off with Jisung and the others to set up the game and grab snacks, so I was the only one in the living room besides Seungmin. Laney had disappeared as soon as she arrived with Jade before I could even attempt to say hi. There was a knock at the door then so Seungmin turned around from heading to the dining room to open it.

"Binnie, your crush is here!" Seungmin yelled, a mischievous smirk on his face and I swear, I caught a glimpse of a pair of horns peeking out from beneath his hair.

Changbin yelled out some remarks as Bonnie and Ollie walked in. Ollie took a seat on the couch while Bonnie stood next to the steps where Felix appeared shortly after, tormenting the poor girl, no doubt. He may look like rainbows and sunshine, but everyone has a secret side to them, if you catch my drift.

Jade called them into the dining room where Ollie and Changbin followed shortly after, leaving me alone. I scrolled through my phone as I waited for Laney to appear. I should get up and go spend time with my friends, but I wasn't in the mood for UNO right now. Everyone would do nothing, but complain if I won. It happened every single time.

"Oh, UNO!" Laney's voice hit my ears, causing me to look up and see her beginning to walk away.

"Wait!" I said before I could stop myself and she stopped to turn and look at me.

"Yes?" she asked, her brows raising slightly. I watched as she gulped, and her body tensed up slightly.

"I thought maybe we could talk. About-what happened over the weekend?"

Laney's body tensed up a bit more but then it was gone, her expression neutral as she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, "Sure."

Before I could process how fast she switched up, she was sitting on the couch across from me. I sat up in the beanbag chair and set my phone down next to my leg. There were so many things I wanted to say, but the words refused to leave my mouth. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I couldn't do it. I knew that when this moment came, I'd have a hard time with it so why did I think it was such a good idea to try and talk about this now?

"Well, you wanted to talk. So talk."

Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts, but I still didn't know what to say. The one time I need to use my skill of being good with words, I can't think of any. So I made a snap decision and did the one thing I could think of to convey how I was feeling. I leaped from the bean bag chair and kissed her. It felt just as good as the last one as I leaned over her and pushed her back onto the couch. She fisted my hair, something she really liked, apparently, before deepening the kiss.

It cut off a little faster than I'd liked as she pushed me off of her and sat up.

"No, Chan," she hissed, a small fire burning behind her eyes. I tilted my head slightly, my brows furrowed together as I looked at her.

"You can't just kiss me when you want to. It doesn't work like that."

She didn't offer me any explanation before she walked out the front door. I watched her go, my mind spinning as I tried to figure out what she meant. She disappeared around the corner just as Felix walked into the archway, a stunned look on his face as he looked at me. I wonder what happened to him.

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