A Stray Kids' CHRIS Mas

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(A/N: Please remember that in this story, Chan still has a room at the dorm, even though he shares an apartment with Laney.)

The dorm was bright and airy, Christmas lights scattered on the walls and there was no open space left due to all the decorations. A tree sat in the corner next to the TV peppered in a rainbow of colors, SKZOO ornaments placed throughout it. The amount of present that surrounded the tree had accumulated to an amount that half the tree was covered by them. Hyunjin and Felix had opened all the windows so the natural light cascaded in rays on the walls. It felt magical, unreal even.

Minho was in the kitchen yet again cooking breakfast while Ollie and Bonnie helped. The dorm smelled like freshly baked cookies mixed with winter. Christmas music was playing in the background as everyone milled around the dorm, Laney going through all the gifts and separating them into their own piles around the living room. As soon as the group had breakfast, they would be settling in front of the tree to open their gifts.

Chan sat on his bed, a small box in his hands as he opened and closed it. It wasn't anything major, just a small bracelet he had specially made for Laney, but a part of him was worried about whether he should give it to her or not. It was the same bracelet Chan wore everywhere he went, a silver chain with STAY engraved on the front of the small rectangular plate. The only difference was that the one he had made for Laney had the date they got together engraved on the back along with something special, only meant for her. He thought it was cute, a conspicuous way for them to match without anyone asking too many questions.

Changbin walked by the room, his eyes automatically scanning inside and as he saw his leader sitting on his bed with the box in his hands, he stopped in his tracks. He knew what the male was thinking, something Chan had always done. He constantly second guesses everything, a flaw the group had tried their best to help him with, but no matter what they did, it stayed. Chan was always self-sacrificing, always putting others before himself and shoving his issues aside. Changbin could see the wheels turning in Chan's head as he stood in the doorway and studied him.

"Hyung, are you overthinking again?" Changbin asked, pulling Chan out of his whirlwind of thoughts. Chan looked up at his best friend as he blinked his eyes to clear away the fog that had begun to settle over him. His brain registered Changbin's words slowly before his mind began to spin again. He had been overthinking, but he didn't want to admit that. As Changbin stood staring at him, Chan realized that it might be best to just tell him what was bothering him.

Chan sighed heavily. "Yes," he whispered. He fiddled with the box in his hands again, opening the top and staring down at the bracelet. "I had this made for Laney," he said as Changbin walked inside and sat next to him. The male took the box from Chan's hand and studied it, a smile on his face as he read the engraving on the back. "I'm scared she won't like it," Chan finally admitted. "Is it too plain? Should I have done something different?"

Chan rambled on, his insecurities hitting its peak as he imagined the negative reaction he could receive. His thoughts came to a halt as Changbin rested a hand on his shoulder, giving him a hard pat. "Chris-hyung, I can promise you that Laney is going to love it. It doesn't matter what it looks like. It's the thought that counts and you know that. She loves you and she'll love anything you give her."

Chan nodded his head. He knew it, he really did, but that didn't stop the fear and anxiety that coursed through his veins. He'd never given Laney anything before and while he knew she was easy to please, he really wanted things to go well. "If you say so, Bin-ah."

Changbin smiled at the man, his eyes soft as he felt Chan's shoulders relax. He knew Chan wouldn't relax completely, but a little bit was more than nothing. Changbin handed the box back to Chan before he stood up and walked to the doorway. "You'll see how right I am when you give it to her," he chuckled as he rolled his eyes and then went downstairs.

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