Jiyoung chuckled, covering her mouth at their ongoing reaction.

"You guys have five minutes. Say your piece and then leave." Chan said plainly, crossing his arms.

"Not here. Somewhere alone." Hayun insisted, and Chan sighed, rolling his eyes before following them.

"Why the heck did he listen to them?!" Han shouted in irritation, flinching both Hyunjin and Jiyoung.


Jiyoung stepped out of the lift, deep in thought, swaying her phone in her hand.

"That Hayun indeed is a bitch. Not one percent of guilt was there on her face." she scoffed.

"But why does she look so familiar?" Jiyoung bit her lip, sighing heavily.
"Who cares..."

She glanced back at her phone, standing in the middle of the hallway.
"Why the hell hasn't Taehyung replied or called me back? Idiot is not even picking up his phone!"

Sighing and sinking her shoulders, she muttered, "I miss him, Dad... Namjoon, Jay, Jungkook and—"

"Jiyoung-a!" Jiyoung flinched, turning around to see Changbin coming towards her, followed by Chan.

"Oh, hi..." Jiyoung smiled, waving at Changbin, but as she turned to greet Chan, he had already reached his apartment door and was entering his password ignoring her.

"We'll be having dinner tonight for Hyunjin's birthday. Wanna come? It was really fun yesterday." Changbin asked, smiling.

"Thank you so much, guys, but I think you guys should enjoy..." Jiyoung replied softly, touched by the gesture.
"I'm actually going to meet one of my friends here, so don't worry."

"Ah, I see. Okay then, see you soon!" Changbin chuckled, waving goodbye.

Jiyoung waved back, noticing that Chan had completely ignored her existence – no hi, no bye, no wave, no looking at her, nothing.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I definitely DON'T like him!"


Inside her apartment, empty cup noodles  were messily strewn around the table beside Jiyoung's laptop, where a game was opened with her waiting for her Jake to come in.

"What a lousy birthday this is... Last night was so fun." she sighed heavily.

With a beep sound in the game, Jiyoung's eyes widened, and she quickly straightened her back, stuffing her mouth with ramyeon.

Player Layla2021 entered the game

Layla2021: Code Red situation!

Layla2021: Jimin's men saw Taehyung in Jeju and right now are going to confirm if he's actually there.

Jiyoung felt the soul inside of her body leaving the second she read it.

Layla2021: Boss Chris denied to share this information with you but I guess you should know Jennifer

Layla2021: What should we do next?

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