🐥 Rain's New Pet 🐥

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(Rain Is 6 Years Old In This One)

Rain was Being Babysat by His Uncle John Dory again. He was playing outside with Rhonda the Armadillo Van.

Rain: FETCH! *Throws A Stick*

Rhonda: *Brings It Back* 😋

Rain: Good Girl Rhonda! 😄 *Pets Her Face*

Rhonda: Purrrrr! ^^

Rhonda Knows that she is MUCH Bigger than Rain, So She's Extra Gentle when playing with him.

JD: Wow! Rhonda really likes You Rain!

Rain: And I really like playing with Rhonda. 😄

JD: Ya Know... Before I Adopted Rhonda I was very lonely. Traveling around with nothing but A Backpack and A Sleeping Bag... But when I met Rhonda, Everything changed for the better. She's more than A Pet or A vehicle, She's my BEST Friend! 😁

Rhonda: *Wags Her Stumpy Tail* 😋

Rain: Awww! 😄

Rain Wished he had A Critter for A best friend too... Hey! Maybe his Dads will let him get A Pet!

(Later In The Pod, After his Parents Came home)

Boom: Sorry Rain, But we don't think you're ready for A Pet. 😕

Rain: What?! Why Not? Rhonda Loves playing with me. 😥

Floyd: Well, Rain, Having A Pet is A LOT Of Responsibility. Playing with your pet is one thing. But you also have to Feed it, train it, And Clean up after it.

Rain: But... I Really Want A Critter Best Friend... 🥺

Floyd: We'll Think About Getting You A Critter when you're A Little Older Ok? 😄

Rain: :(

Boom: Hey, Chin Up Son. We're Sure you'll be A Great Pet Owner when you're Ready.

Rain: Ok... 😞 *Walks Away Disappointed*

Floyd And Boom: 😕😕

Rain Was Really Disappointed, Why Didn't They Think He Was ready? He felt like he was already responsible enough... Oh Well... The Next Day Rain was Playing Outside Near The Pod, When He Heard A Strange Sound...

Cheep Cheep

Rain: Huh? 🤨

Rain: *Looks Around*

Cheep Cheep Cheep

Rain: What Was That?

Cheep Cheep Cheep

Rain Fallowed The Sound To A Nearby Bush, And When He Looked Inside There Was A Small Yellow Bird!

Rain: *Gasp!* 😧

The Bird: Cheep! Cheep! 🐥

Rain: Awwwwww! 🥹 You're So Cute!

Rain gently lowered his Blue, Glittery hand down to the bird, and it nuzzled into his Palm.

The Bird: ^^

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