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      The sky is dark and full of angry gray clouds as rain fell hard from it along with thunder and lightning as everyone took cover inside the builds of homes and businesses in the big city but then there's the tallest one called 'Abstergo' that's famous for making games and other things but the organization is very dangerous but to the public they're harmless. Templars used to protect the innocent but changed over time because of the people that had bad intentions turned it into much worse as they're looking for the 'Apple of Eden' and they have one in their possession.

    At the very top of the tower there's a glow of gold coming out of the windows while inside the room itself has people in white lab coats quickly running around as a circle machine is making a loud hum and the apple is connected to it making it glow gold.

     As people kept running around two people stand in front of the machine with smiles on their faces knowing that they're so close to their goal.

"Soon the Templars will have the power to go back in time and get the relics from those pesky bugs and we can rule the world like the people before us always dreamed of!" The one on the right said as the other person agreed and they can even change the past that will be more in their favor if they wanted too.

"It took another year since the last one failed but not this time; is the machine ready?!" The left one said to their partner before yelling out over to the others behind them.

"Yes sir!" One of the people said behind some computers.

"Start the machine!" The same person yelled again as he watched it come to life.

      The machine went from a soft hum to a roar as electricity started to come out of it making everyone panic and take cover even the two men that were standing in front of it quickly took cover.

"Sir! We need to shut it down! The machine is over heating!" One of the people behind the computers said in a panic as the temperature for the machine is past red and in the danger zone.

"No! Just a bit longer, it can hold!" The same man yelled while the other one watched the machine.

     Alarms started to blare as red lights flashed and everyone tries their best to control it but just getting too out of hand before the man started yelling out orders to shut it down as it was getting too dangerous to keep going now but it was too late to do so as there was a bright flash and a loud boom as the machine exploded.

       Everyone quickly ran around to try and put the fires out and find any wounded while the security came into the room to help out; the two men that's been in charge of the whole thing are pissed off that it failed again until they saw something, or someone, come out of the fire and dressed in a black uniform with a hood over their head that they couldn't see the face of the person. On both sides of the sleeves shows a flag that's unknown to them as it's red on the top and bottom with white in the middle and in the white is five black stars.

     The person has a snipper sling on their back, hand gun in their hands, and the uniform is ripped in a few different places to show blood leaking meaning that the person is wounded but what's weirder is that the clothes and weapons is old compared to todays.

      Before the two men, that's in charge, could do or say anything as the security started to shoot at the person making them go onto the attack and started shooting back and do hand to hand combat as their fight or flight instincts are in over drive. The men watched as they realized that this person fights just like the assassins but at the same time different; one security guard started firing at the hooded person from behind a desk making them run to the glass windows and jump right through it breaking the glass before falling from the sky and rain just as lightning flashed in the darkened sky.

     The two men ran to the broken window and looked outside to see if they could catch the still falling person but all they saw was nothing just the cars and street lights below.

"What or who did we bring from the past?" One asked speechless just like his partner.

"I do know but whoever it was, wasn't human as this glass was bullet proof." The partner replied before turning around when someone called for their attention.

       One of the people in a lab coat gave the two men a big white feather with black and red on it but the red is not blood but part of the feather and it was way too big to be a normal bird feather as it's as long and big as his arm and this just gave more questions than answers.

"Sirs! The apple! It's shattered to pieces!" One person yelled in the back shocked and making everyone else go into shock as well from this news.

     Who is this person and what have they done to the Apple Of Eden?!

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