Henry pushed up and sat across from me. "She doesn't know that I'm tutoring you."

I gaped at him and leaned forward, my palms supporting me. "You didn't tell her? Don't tell me, she's insecure of me and that's why you didn't say anything?"

Henry glared at me and then put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me lightly to create a distance between us. "It's nothing like that. She just doesn't like you."

"Insecurity," I said in a singing voice. 

"Don't, Em," he warned, a finger pointed right in my face. 

I slapped it away. Jerk. "Don't what?"

I wasn't doing anything. He shook his head. "Don't talk about Julie in that way. She's my girlfriend."

The way he said that stung, but I didn't let it show on my face. I rolled my eyes. "You mean the girlfriend, who doesn't know that her boyfriend is tutoring his ex - girlfriend? Yeah, I know her."

"I forgot how annoying you can be."

I nodded. "Must have slipped your mind, when you got together with a blondie."

I winked at him to hide the poor joke I made. I didn't even know why I made one. I only knew that I couldn't and didn't want to hear Juliette's name anymore or I would throw something. 

Henry scowled and then stood up. "You need to go before she gets back."

"No, why do I have to go?"

"It's my room, Em," he said and then grabbed me by the arm. 

Obviously, I didn't want to go and that could be because I wanted to create a show to see Juliette's reaction, to make her understand that no matter what she did, I always had a place here. 

You were never a good person, a voice told me once. 

At first I didn't want to believe that but I realized slowly what I was doing right now wasn't right either.

I didn't like Juliette and I didn't like her with Henry but that didn't mean she deserved whatever I thought about doing to her. 

She was not a good person either but I didn't have to be bad. I didn't have to give in to the voice and prove her right. 

But still, I tried to yank my arm free and push Henry's hand away. 

It was a children's quarrel. Pulling and yanking and swearing was all Henry and I did. 

We were literally immaturity at its highest peak.

Suddenly, the doorknob turned. Henry and I looked at each other, our eyes wide and open.

Then he took the arm he already grabbed and pushed me lightly on the floor. I glared at him. 

"Just stay here, hidden and don't say a word," he whispered at me and turned around.

I couldn't say anything back and stayed there. Crouched on the floor like an idiot next to the bed. 

The door to his room opened, a sweet smell coating the air. 

"Why didn't you open the door?" The voice was back. Juliette was back from downstairs. 

Lucky me.

"What do you mean?" Henry asked. 

It was a shame I couldn't see them nor their expression because I had to stay hidden. I mean, I could ruin the moment like I initially wanted to but something stopped me. Henry's plea had stopped me. 

"Earlier, when I knocked you didn't open the door. Why?"

"Ah, I was just cleaning and didn't want you in here when the room's a mess."

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