Knock, Knock

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No one POV 

Eleanor was looking at the projector as the other cops were looking at it and Eleanor was picking at her nails. 

Sarah said "You all know what we're facing here. 48 hours ago, six criminally insane inmates were busted out of Arkham Asylum. Yesterday, four of those inmates broke into Yellen Shipyard, kidnapped seven workers, then dropped them off the roof of the Gotham Gazette. As of now, we still have no leads on the person or persons behind the breakout. Jim Gordon's lead. Jim." 

Jim started showing the photos and said "These are our targets. Jerome Valeska, 18 years old. Matricide." 

Eleanor looked up worried and Jim continued and said "Arnold Dobkins, schizophrenic. Poisoner, rapist. Aaron Helzinger. Killed his entire family with his bare hands. Robert Greenwood. killed and then ate a dozen women. Barbara Kean. Killed her parents. We're gonna work this in groups of four. I'll hand out assignments throughout the day. Alvarez is my coordinating officer. Any questions?". 

Sarah said "Let's get to work." 

Eleanor looked up to see Jacob had walked in and he nodded over to the hall and Eleanor walked over. 

Eleanor said "And here I thought, you were a new person who didn't care" and Jacob said "I never said I didn't care. Look, Jeorme is a psycho, he's always been a psycho, okay, I'm just worried about you." 

Eleanor said "And your control man is fine with you being here" and Jacob looked away and Eleanor said "Oh my god, he doesn't know your here, neither does Penguin, the puppet master." 

Jacob said "Okay would you stop saying that, Jerome always used you, you don't think he's going to come after you." 

Eleanor said "And what are you going to do?" and Jacob said "I can protect you, look I'll talk to Penguin." 

Eleanor said "No." 

Jacob said "Penguin can help, you can be protected" and Eleanor said "Yes, I'm sure if you say hey can you protect my sister from a psychopath who's working with a band of psycho who someone let out, He'll do it out of the goodness of his heart, oh wait, You actually need a heart for that." 

Jacob said "Look, I can get him to help" and Eleanor said "No, Penguin will only do that for a favour." 

Jacob said "and what are you going to do about our psychopath for a brother, when he comes after you, or are you thinking he won't." 

Eleanor said "You see that cop standing by the door, yeah, I have a lot of them following me around all the time, I'll be fine, you can go back to your boss." 

Jacob said"No, I'm not going." 

Eleanor said "Won't they be pissed at you." 

Jacob said "Yup, too bad I don't care" and Jacob looked at her nails and said "I thought you didn't pick your nails anymore."

Eleanor said "Yeah, so did I, but then this. Your worried about me." 

Jacob said "We're twins, Nellie, I'm not letting you die." 

Eleanor said "You know your faith hurts, Jake." 

Jacob smiled. 

Theo Galavan's Home 

Theo walked up to Robert and Jerome, and stopped them from killing each other and Theo said "That's enough! That's good. Boys, we're a team. We don't fight amongst ourselves." 

Robert said "Yeah, we're a team, boys. And I'm the captain"and Jerome said "Captain of my foot." 

Robert said "I've murdered a dozen women. Terrorized the city. What have you done? Chop up your mommy? Scare your little sister." 

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