Under The Knife

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Under a Bridge 

No one POV 

Eleanor walked up to Bruce and Bruce said "Did you go back?" and Eleanor said "Yeah. The cops are there. " 

Bruce said "And?" and Eleanor said "And? What do you think? He fell out of a five-story window. He's dead." 

Bruce with his voice breaking said " Why'd you do it? He told us what we wanted. He told us about Bunderslaw. You didn't have to go and kill the guy!". 

Eleanor said"Yes, I did! 'Cause the moment we'd left, he was gonna go tell his boss! Who works for you, by the way. He's the one who tried to kill me, who tried to kill your butler... who probably killed your parents. I saved your life. Besides... you wanted to do it, too. You just didn't have the guts. Look, I did what I had to do to survive, sometimes that's what you have to do, Bruce, Maybe you don't get it because you grew up rich and safe, but in the world, the world where no one cares about you and only about what they want, that's what you do." 

Bruce said "Wait, We still have to find out who Bunderslaw is and what he wants." 

Eleanor said "You mean you do." 

Bruce said "You really think this is over? He's gonna come after us." 

Eleanor said "So what's next? Hmm?" and Bruce said "His safe. Every senior executive at Wayne Enterprises has a safe in their office. A-Any secrets Bunderslaw has, that's where they'll be." 

Eleanor said "Key or combination?" and Bruce said "Key. My dad had one." 

Eleanor said "He'll probably keep it on him, then. Figure out a way to get me close, and I'll steal it. Can you do that?" . 

Bruce said "I think so." 

Eleanor said "And what happened tonight, you and me we tell no one, not Jim, not Alfred, no one. Got it?". 

Jim's Apartment 

Eleanor walked in and Jim turned around and said "Nell" and he hugged her and she hugged back. 

Eleanor said "Hi." 

Jim said "Are you okay" and Eleanor said "I'm fine" and Jim said "I want you to stay inside for now, things are a bit dangerous." 

Eleanor said "Things are always dangerous, you do know what city you live in" and Jim said "Loeb gave me a case, he wants to hurt me, this is a serial killer and to stop investigations, he kills the people of whoever the person that is investigating him cares about." 

Eleanor said "That's horrible." 

Jim said "So, I'm getting you out of Gotham" and Eleanor said "No, no there's always going to be someone dangerous, I'll be fine, Um, Bruce invited me to this gala at Wayne Enterperisses, so I'll be there." 

Jim said "Okay, yes that seems fine, Bruce, he's a nice young man" and Eleanor said "He is, it's nice that you care about me, I've never really had that." 

Jim said "Well,now you do, now you have family that will be there, but you know with Bruce, it can be." 

Eleanor said "It's not like that, he's just a friend." 

Jim said "Yeah, yeah, there'll be plenty of security there, and you should be okay. You'll need a dress." 

Eleanor said "Yeah, I don't really have those, you don't really need them at the circus." 

Someone knocked on the door and said "Delivery" and Jim opened the door and they brought in a few bags. 

Jim said "It seems Bruce has taken care of it for you." 

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