The Anvil Or The Hammer

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At a Cemetery

No one POV

Eleanor was looking at a grave and then looked at another one and Eleanor said "I don't know why you were buried here, Mom, beside an empty casket, I mean at his funeral, you were drunk, and yelling, you didn't really care, not that you cared before. But he was your son. So um, there's a chance that he might be alive, a small chance, I don't really know if I believe it or not. I don't know why I'm telling you this, I shouldn't be talking to you, I mean I don't even know if, so yeah, I'm here. I want to believe that your alive, Jacob, I want to believe that your there, but the car went off into the river while you were inside, it crashed, the impact could have killed you if drowning didn't, and if you are alive, if I have to believe what he's saying, this means that you've been used by a psychopath for years, and who knows what would have happened, so I don't know. I'm going to ask Jim to look into it, so."

Jim walked up and said "Hi" and Eleanor said "Hi."

Jim said "You remember what we needed to talk about" and Eleanor said "WE don't have to talk about it, now I mean your trying to help Barbara, to find her."

Jim said "Well, I need your help with that, so this way, I help you, you help me" and Eleanor said "Okay. Um, Penguin said that Victor Zsazz repaired someone, a young boy that died 2 years ago. In a car crash which fell into a river. I was in that car, so was my mom, and so was my twin brother, Jacob."

Jim said "You had another brother" and Eleanor said "I did, yeah, I thought he died, because he was in the car when he fell, but if they found him, then that means that he's alive, but I don't know if it's true, or it's Penguin just messing with my head. But I have to, He wasn't like Jerome, He was really awesome, and it felt like it was just us against the world, I just uh He's my he was, It's my brother, If there's a chance."

Jim said "You have to try, I'll look into it, okay."

Eleanor said "Thank you, okay, what do you need from me" and Jim said "I don't want to ask something of you."

Eleanor said "well, your doing this for me, so I have to help you" and Jim said "You don't have to, I hate to ask this of you."

Eleanor said "Because of my mom, believe me, Jim, My mom was worse, she would not be listening, she'd be yelling and then going back to drinking and banging someone else. Just tell me what you need."

Jim said "It's to find Barbara. And it includes Penguin."

Eleanor said "Okay."


Eleanor walked in and Butch said "Eleanor, nice to see you" and Eleanor said "Butch, how's brainwashing going."

Butch said "Ha ha, very funny, you and Selina break in anywhere else" and Eleanor said "If I did,no one would know that's how good I am."

Butch smiled.

Penguin said"Nell, so happy to see you" and Eleanor said "Don't call me that."

Penguin said "To what do I owe this wonderful surprise?" and Eleanor said "I need to know where the Foxglove is. And I need an invitation."

Penguin said "Really, you need an invitation for a thirteen year old" and Eleanor said "Not for me, for Jim."

Penguin said "Then why isn't he here" and Eleanor said "None of your business."

Penguin laughs and said "Well, someone's in a mood."

Butch said "Teenagers, they're always in moods" and Eleanor glared at him.

Eleanor said "Can you help out? Yes or no" and Penguin said "You came here to ask me this all for Jim, but none for your brother, trying to replace your family."

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