Beasts Of Prey

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At a Bridge 

No one POV 

Eleanor walked up and had flashbacks of being in a car and then the car crashing and herself getting out and trying to grab the hand of a boy, and the car falling to the ground and her screaming"Jacob." 

Eleanor looked down from the bridge at the ocean. 

Eleanor sighed and she picked at her nails and kept picking at them, and they were bleeding. Eleanor said "Hi, Jacob, I know this is weird, but um talking at your grace, when there's no body there, I'd be weird, so I'm talking to you here. I miss you. Recently I've been thinking a lot about you, but I just I would like to beliee that your alive, but I was there, you couldn't have survived that,I'm sorry, I should have never told you what Jerome was doing, I should have never told Mom, because..That's the reason we were in the car. You shouldn't be dead." 

Eleanor looked up and looked around and said "Anyway, I'm really sorry, and I just I really really miss you, and I want to believe that your alive, but I know it's not true." 

Bruce walked up and said "Are you okay?" and Eleanor turned around and grabbed a rock and said "Bruce, you scared me, what are you doing here?". 

Bruce said "I was looking for you, and I came by, and Detective Gordon said you were here" and Eleanor dropped the rock and said "Yeah, I came here. It's a long story, why were you looking for me." 

Bruce said "It's about Reggie Payne, the man who stabbed Alfred, he's in Gotham." 

Eleanor looked at him and said "And you didn't tell Jim" and Bruce said "I can't" and Eleanor said "Okay, why do you need my help to find him, I mean Selina could find him too." 

Bruce said "Alfred said he'd be at a g*n range for a few days, but I checked every one in the city. Nothing." 

Eleanor said "Who stays at a g*n range for a few days? Doesn't make any sense." 

Bruce said "That's what he said. Said Reggie'd be at a shooting gallery." 

Eleanor said "That's not the same as a gun range, silly. You really need to get out more." 

Bruce said "You'll help me, Selina , she's helping Ivy with something, I know what this puts you with Jim." 

Eleanor said "I'll help you,because the police most of the time can't, Jim is a good cop, but I know Gotham City police, believe me they're better at ignoring you, I'll help you." 

She walked away with Bruce. 

At  an Alleyway 

Bruce walked with Eleanor and said "So how did you and Selina become friends" and Eleanor said "My childhood was difficult, so was Selina's , I found her once trying to steal from my Uncle's shop, then we helped each other, me her and someone else." 

Bruce said "Who?". 

Eleanor said "My brother, Jacob, let's not talk about him" and Bruce said "You had a brother" and Eleanor said "My twin, that's all I want to say about it, don't tell anyone." 

Bruce said "Sure. Yeah, so Detective Gordon saved you" and Eleanor said "He did, but my faith in the police is slim at best, so I get it." 

They walked up through some stairs and Bruce said "Well, um if you ever need help looking out for something, I can always help." 

Eleanor said "Thanks, Bruce. Okay,this way, just be careful." 

At an Abandoned Factory, Eleanor and Bruce walked up to Reggie and Eleanor kicked him and  Reggie gasped and tried to back away and Eleanor said " Relax, old man. We're not gonna rob you." 

Reggie looked at Bruce and said "What are you doing here?" and Bruce said "Came to talk to you." 

Reggie said "Who's she?" and Bruce said "Never mind. Who sent you to my house? " and Reggie said "Who sent me?Just go home... go on, Bruce. You'll be in more trouble than you are already." 

Eleanor grabbed his bag and held it out the railing, threatening to drop it and Reggie said "Hey! That's my medicine! Give me that!". 

Eleanor said "Sure, but My friend just asked you a question. You answer it, and I give it back" and Reggie said "I said give me that." 

Eleanor said "Or you'll what? Huh?, All it takes is a drop of my hand, so answer the question" and Reggie said "Don't."

Eleanor said "Answer the question" and Reggie said "I didn't mean any harm. I was just supposed to take some documents. But Alfred walked in... Is he all right?" and Bruce said "Is he? You stabbed him. What do you care? ". 

Reggie said "I care!He's all right, isn't he?" and Bruce said "Who sent you?"Throw them out!" and Reggie said "No" and Bruce said "Tell me who sent you! Who sent you?" and Reggie said "You shouldn't be doing this, Bruce. Only Alfie can deal with these people." 

Bruce said "What people?" and Reggie said "There's a woman named Mathis and a guy called Bunderslaw. Sid Bunderslaw... He's the guy I dealt with. But you've got, you've got to let Alfie take care of this. Not you, Bruce. It's not business for a child." 

Bruce said "This man Bunderslaw... what did he want? " and Reggie said "Just to know what you knew. To see how far your investigation had gone. But he was scared. And that's why he sent me. Now, can I have my bag back, please? Please?" and Bruce said "Give it back to him. " 

Eleanor dropped the bag onto the ledge and You. You're a sick man, Mr. Payne. You need help." 

Reggie said "Don't you patronize me. I may have vices, yeah, but I'm a professional.  You want me to tell Bunderslaw that you're onto him? Because he'll come after you. And there's nothing that you can do to stop him! You're just silly little children." 

He reaches for his medicine on the ledge with his back turned to them and Reggie said"I'm gonna tell on you." 

Bruce went to push him off and Eleanor looked at him and Bruce said "No, you won't." 

Bruce stopped himself, and couldn't do it and Eleanor pushed him off. 

Eleanor looked at Bruce and Bruce said "What did you do?" and Eleanor said "It's called surviving, Bruce. He nearly killed Alfred, he had no problem killing you." 

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