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Chapter 51

Unlike modern universities where bicycles are standard equipment on campus, in 1978, even many teachers could not ride them.

  As soon as Xu Duo entered the school gate, many people stared at her.

  The girl riding the bicycle was really young and beautiful. When she leaned slightly, the loose wool coat vaguely outlined her slender waist and the curve of her hips. Her legs were also long, and when she pedaled alternately, she looked like she was dancing.

  Just this familiar face...

  After following the petite figure far away, someone suddenly reacted, "Hey, isn't that Xu Duo?"

  "Xu Duo? The Xu Duo who tore a sow apart with her bare hands and beat up a gangster? I know her."

  Since that commendation meeting, Xu Duo's national popularity in Agricultural University has soared. Many students may not know what the principal looks like, but if they meet her on the street, they will definitely call out her name at the first time.

  But what the hell is that adjective you put in front of it?

  How many times does she have to explain before they can untie her and the sow?

  Also, she just stopped the gangster and threw him out, but she didn't even poke him, how could it be a painful beating?

  Xu Duo finally understood why Zhuang Zijian wanted to hug and beat him every time he heard her and the boss mention the sow. Fortunately, the heat of the news at that time has subsided, and almost everyone's attention has quickly shifted to her new car.

  Several girls who just came back from home discussed it particularly enthusiastically.

"Did Xu Duo buy a bike? This is the first time I've seen her ride a bike."

  "Borrowed it, right? Bicycles are expensive and require tickets, so it's hard to buy one. Besides, she's not a local." The man's tone was a bit sour, but he pretended to be disdainful. "She doesn't have one, but she has to save face by borrowing from others. She's so vain."

  "Not necessarily." The girl who just spoke looked at her strangely. "I heard from people in her dormitory that she is quite rich. She has a ginseng tree. It only sold for 2,000 yuan. 2,000 yuan is enough to buy ten bicycles. "

  "You are just talking nonsense. Now it is a planned economy. How can anything be sold so expensively? Will anyone buy it?"

  "Just because you don't know doesn't mean there is no money. She has a savings book of 1,000 yuan in her hand. What's wrong with buying a bicycle?"

  The girl who said sour words was a little unhappy when she saw that she kept talking back to her, so she took the arm of another girl.

  "Li Ping, let's not tell her these useless things. Isn't your mother responsible for selling bicycles? You must know more than us. Do you know what kind of bicycle Xu Duo rides? Is it a 26? What brand is it?"

  "I haven't seen this one either. I don't know what brand it is. "Li Ping frowned slightly.

"You don't even know what brand it is?" The girl raised her voice unconsciously, "There are only a few brands in China, Feiduo, Fenghuang, and Yongjiu. Your mother sells them. If you don't know them, could it be that hers was smuggled from abroad?"

As soon as the word smuggled came out, the girl who had been talking to her before immediately pulled her back.

"Fu Yun, what are you talking about? Smuggled goods are only available in the southeastern coastal areas. Xu Duo is from the northeast. Besides, who dares to ride a smuggled bike so brazenly? Aren't you afraid of being checked?"

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