Chapter 16: What is my purpose on this journey...?

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Lumi was waiting for Hop and Marnie on the outskirts of Route 3, as the two had to stop by the Pokémon Center to pick up some supplies for their journey while Lumi went on ahead. Scorch was on her head, biting her scally cap while her Rotom phone was orbiting her head. She sighed and looked down at her Dynamax Band. She remembered wanting to go home so bad, but now...ever since those battles, she has wanted to continue, as traveling Galar would be amazing! At least, traveling by herself. But...she also had doubts. Being champion when she never dreamed of it? She just wanted to study Pokémon, especially the cute ones. And maybe, figure out what a buizel is. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Just then, she heard something smack into the ground and she snapped out of her daydream. A girl in a green knit cap, a grey sweater, and a pink dress was laying in front of her before she suddenly picked herself up, ignoring the blood pouring out of her nose.
"Oi, Lumi!" she spoke in a heavy Scottish accent, "Whit ye starin' aht? Or 'r' yae loost in LaLa Land agein? What's up wi' ye?"
"Gloria?" Lumi blinked, "Gloria Casey, it is you! The bloody hell are you doing here? And why are you ok with your nose bleeding like that?"
"Dinnae worry about ma noose," Gloria smiled, "An' as fer why Ahm in Motostoke, yae remember something aboot the Gym Challenge? Victor an' Ai aer gonnae be through it loik a pint o' bitter!"
"Then where is Victor?" Lumi inquired.
"Right here, mate!" A brown-haired boy in a red shirt and black pants rushed over, "Sorry about my sister, she's just excited."
"Och, ye ken figure out why!" Gloria chuckled, "It's gonnae be a fookin' blast!"
"Haha," Lumi giggled, "Might wanna chill out Gloria. Last thing we need is for you to go and break your arm. Again."
"Ouch, ye think Ahm..." the Postwick orphan sighed, calming down and speaking in a British accent, "Sorry, mate. Guess I got a little excited. So where's Hop?"
"Now that you mention it," Victor looked around, "You're usually glued to him."
"He went off with Marnie to get some things," Lumi explained, "He'll be back soon."

As if the world was listening, Hop and Marnie ran over.
"Hey Victor and Gloria!" Hop was still hyped, "Didn't know you lot were joining the Gym Challenge!"
"Gloria wanted to join in because she wanted to keep her moron safe," Lumi chuckled, referring to Hop
"YE FOOKIN' CUNT!!!" Gloria roared at Lumi.
"She was just pulling your chain, Gloria," Hop chuckled.
"Oi," Victor snapped his fingers, "We should get going. It's still early, after all!"
"He's right," Marnie stated, "We don't wanna end up yappin' until sunset. Let's get a move on and shut your gobs!"

The other three nodded in agreement, and soon the party of five started their trek down Route 3. Hop and Gloria were waking close to each other, while Lumi was holding onto his hand. Marnie was behind Lumi, while Victor was leading the group, looking pat the map he had on him, making sure they wouldn't fall into a dead end.

(It didn't really work out on AO3. I'm so sorry for leaving the one here that enjoyed my story with nothing. From now on, this is also getting updated. Please enjoy future adventures of Lumi and her friends!)

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