Chapter 6: Into the Wild, for there is no Slumber for the Adventurous!

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(I'm sorry I hadn't posted anything lately. I have been procrastinating this and I have been burnt out.)

The thick fog in the Slumbering Weald made it difficult to see. Hop and Lumi, hand in hand (because Lumi is a wuss), ran through the forest, wondering how far the wooloo had ventured.
"That wooloo..." Hop said to himself, then turned to Lumi, "Where do you think it got off to?"
"I don't know," Lumi responded, "I don't see white fluff anywhere."
"The fog is really coming thick now," Hop waved his hand in front of him, "If we don't find that Pokémon soon, this might be trouble for all of us."
Lumi tip-toed through the tall parts of the grass, finally letting go of Hop's hand, while he just walked around it. The wild Pokémon were not a big threat now that they had Pokémon of their own, but now wasn't a time to fight. They had made it to a narrow opening, when they heard the cry of a Pokémon that neither one recognized.
"Come on!" Hop grabbed Lumi's arm and ran, "That wooloo might be in real trouble!"
"WOAH!!" Lumi yelled as she was dragged.
Hop ran. He ran until the fog was too thick to see far at all. They almost couldn't see the shoes they wore. Or their hands.
"This is mad..." Hop sounded worried, "I can't even see my own hand in front of my face! I think I get why this place is off limits..."
"Hop please just help find the wooloo so we can leave!" Lumi sounded frightened, "I wanna go home!"
The two began to call out to the wooloo, looking around in the hopes that they could (somehow) see it or it would come running to them. All they were met with was silence. This continued for a few minutes, before Lumi stopped yelling and huddled closer to her friend. Almost as if she saw something.
"Lumi?" Hop looked at his friend, then in the direction his friend looked, "What's wr- WHAT IN THE-?!"
Barely visible to see entirely, but just visible enough, two doglike entities were glaring at them, almost observing the now terrified trainers. As they cried, Lumi immediately hid behind Hop.
"Hop, I'm scared!" Lumi whimpered, shaking in fear.
Hop's Sobble, named Mildew (I should've explained that a chapter or two ago, but whatever) wasn't as fearful. Almost like a knight in armor, polished to a gleam only outshined by gold, it spat water at the two opponents...and it did nothing! All the two Pokémon did was fix their gaze.
"Wha-?!" Hop looked flabbergasted, "The move had no effect on them?!"
"Scorch!" Lumi yelled out in panic, "Help Mildew!"
Scorch jumped from his trainer's head and spat fire at them. It was met with the same response. The beasts seemed to roar as even more fog washed over them.
"Lumi!" Hop called out, fear finally taking over, "I can't see anything! You ok?!"
Lumi didn't speak. The beasts were staring dead into her eyes. The poor girl was too terrified to move. Hop grabbed Lumi's arm to run but she did not budge.
"Lumi, come on!" he tried to move her with all his might, "We gotta get out of here!!"
Scorch and Mildew then screeched and tried to tackle the creatures together. As before, nothing happened. The beasts once more released more fog. It became so dense it made the trainers and their Pokémon feel light-headed.
"I can't see anything!" Hop was freaking out, the realization he was beginning to faint not helping the situation.
The last thing he heard before falling unconscious was Lumi's terrified scream.

Lumi stirred awake, picking herself up off the ground cautiously. Hop had gotten up some time before, and he seemed a bit tired. Scorch also woke up seconds after Lumi, incredibly confused.
"Wh...Hop?" Lumi looked at her friend, "Where...what happened?"
"Hop! Lumi!" Leon's voice called out, as the champion ran over.
"Wha-? Lee?" Hop seemed relieved, "How'd you manage to find your way here? You're pants with directions. You always get lost."
"I'm sorry he's what?" Lumi groggily asked, not understanding at all what being pants with something means (I don't either).
"Oh, that's nice to hear from the little brother who had me worried sick!" Leon sounded angry, "I'd been waiting for you two for ages, and you never showed! Of course I came looking for the both of you!"
"Wooloo!" Lumi's mind snapped back in gear, lethargy quickly draining from her, "Hop we gotta find the wooloo!"
"Wait, you're right!" Hop exclaimed, "Where's the wooloo?! We were trying to rescue that wooloo!"
Leon's anger seemed to just vanish in that moment and his scowl became a smile. The sound of a wooloo caught the attention of the two trainers. Charizard was making sure it didn't run off again.
"The little chap's just fine," Leon chuckled. "Though all of you had fainted by the time I found you here. He was just hiding in the grass."
"Heh, I guess he was hungry," Hop seemed happy the wooloo was ok.
"You know this place is out of bounds..." Leon spoke sternly yet proudly. "But it took courage to come in here all the same. And I can understand well enough why you did it. You did good Hop!"
"I thought we'd had it when that fog started rolling in and those mad Pokémon attacked..." Hop explained, "But at least it wasn't all for nothing! And at least that wooloo's alright...yeah, Lu-!"
Lumi was busy screaming into her scally cap. You could make out several swears, but a lot of them were just frustrated screaming. When she finished, she put the hat back on and seemed much calmer now.
"Ok, I'm good now," she sighed.
"That was unexpected," Leon seemed stunned, "Wait, attacked by some mad Pokémon? What are you talking about, Hop?"
"It seemed loads stronger than any Pokémon I've ever seen. And it had this sort of presence...our moves didn't even touch it. I mean, really- they seemed to pass right through it!"
"I kid you not they just stood there," Lumi added, "They just stood there menacingly making more fog!"
"Your moves passed right through it?" Leon was amazed, "So, the fearsome Pokémon they say live in the Slumbering Weald...are they actually illusions or something? Get strong enough, and maybe the two of you could be the ones to reveal the truth someday. For now, let's simply get out of this place. You'll be all right now that I'm here with you!"
The three (seven if we count Scorch, Charizard, Mildew, and the runaway wooloo) began their walk back to Postwick. Hop believed that even though they both got an earful from Leon, it was quite an experience! He would be sure to make it a fine first page in the tale of his legend. As the left, Lumi looked behind her. She could've sworn the beasts were watching her walk away. Scorch climbed back onto her head, and she left the Slumbering Weald with her friend and the champion, with her starter Pokémon playing with her hair.

(I added Mildew. Sobble needs love two, folks! :3)

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