Chapter 18: Hanging with Friends! (Or the Marnie chapter)

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((Oh my God, I regret giving Gloria a fucking Scottish accent. Shoot me. I'll just settle with this:
Gloria Y. Casey is an orphan that has a British accent normally, but switching to her native Scottish accent when she's experiencing high emotion. Like if she's excited or pissed, she'll default to Scottish. However, she can casually flip-flop between the two. Victor M. Henry, on the other hand, lives right across from Lumi and is considered the chillest one of the bunch, keeping Gloria in line yet almost never getting mad...unless you hurt Gloria. Then you better pray. God will have mercy; he won't.))

Now, Bounsweet! Razor Leaf!" Victor commanded his Pokémon to attack the Magikarp, only for it to...not do much, "WHAT?!"
"Will-O-Wisp!" Gloria ordered her Pokémon, achieving a swift victory.
"How did you..." Hop looked pretty stunned.
"Haha, Zorua you can stop now," the orphan picked up the Magikarp, which quickly became a Zorua, "I try to be a cheeky little thing when it comes to battles."
"That's just evil," Hop chuckled, "But a really cool tactic. I remember when..."
Lumi wasn't paying attention, playing a game on her phone. Mostly since Scorch was asleep in her lap and she didn't have the heart to wake him up to battle.
"They're kinda odd, aren't they?" Marnie chuckled.
"Y-yeah!" Lumi stuttered before quickly getting ahold of herself, "So...what brings you to the Gym Challenge. Gloria and Victor are doing it as a form of thrill-seeking, Hop is doing it to defeat Leon, and I'm sorta tagging along."
"I'm doin' this so I can become champion an' make Spikemuth a better place for tourism and ta live," Marnie explained, "We have far too long be seen as just a city of crime and darkness. And I'm goin' ta make sure of it!"
"That shifty place?" Lumi was curious, "I don't think that giving them any sort of tourism...but I say it's about damn time someone cleaned up the crime there!"
"...yeah..." Marnie sighed, "'s 'bout time."
Although she wasn't too happy with Lumi bashing her home...she was right. Spikemuth was abandoned for not having a way to Dynamax Pokémon during battles, and it quickly fell into being a place that was far from the idea of what a city should be. Gangs roamed around like they owed the place, there seemed to be crime on the news, and people would scowl at the mere mention.

That's why I need to win, Marnie thought to herself. Things would change once she became champion. She would make that city something to be proud of. Something people won't ignore. And she'll be damned if anyone will get in her way!

"You know...I'm actually surprised you didn't try to mug us," Gloria said to Marnie.
"We aren't all like that, ya ignorant prick!" Marnie was fuming.
"Oi!" Gloria backed up, "Whit ye gettin' yer panties in a boondle for, Ah meant no offense, but Ahm willing tae kick yer- OW!!"
Victor had smacked the back of Gloria's head, grumbling in frustration.
"S-sorry about her!" Victor nervously chuckled, "She isn't always like that!"
"No...I should've watched myself," Marnie sighed, "I shouldn't have lashed out. But I'm getting sick of everyone assuming everyone from Spikemuth is a criminal!"
"Och, ye fookin' c..." Gloria sighed, "Sorry, sorry..."

Gloria called her zorua and then took a few steps, before getting distracted by the factory, thinking of how to break in.
"I swear, my mother needs to stop encouraging her attitude," Victor sighed, going to follow Gloria, "I'm going to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I'll see you guys around. And I'll make sure she apologizes."
"I think we should all get going," Lumi got up, "The sooner we get to Turrfield, the better."
"Finally!" Hop cheered, "Our legend continues!"
"Is he always like this?" Marnie chuckled.
"Yes," Lumi and Victor replied in unison.

After getting their Pokémon returned to their pokeballs and fighting with the tent, the five continued on Route 3. Marnie was actually a little entertained by Gloria's temper, though.

...she's confused by the accent, however. She didn't really understand anything she said.

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