Chapter 14: Rowdy Budew

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As Lumi and Hop walked towards the Budew Drop Inn, Hop spoke up.
"Hey Lumi," Hop turned to his friend, "Who was the guy in the camo hoodie? Cameron right?"
"Yep, that's him!" Lumi replied, "He was also registering for the Gym Challenge. He's super nice!"
"He has a really odd eyepatch," the boy responded, putting his hands behind his head again, "Seemed a little off, too."
"He's a pirate, Hop!" Lumi giggled, before stopping for a moment, "Hey. Maybe the Gym Challenge won't be so bad after all. Guess I was wrong."

The two arrived at their destination. To their surprise, Sonia was in the reception room, admiring a statue.
"Sonia?" Hop was curious, "What're you doing at our hotel?"
"Are you in the Challenge, too?" Lumi was curious as well.
"Oh no," Sonia chuckled, "I reckoned if I looked into some of Galar's legends, I might figure out something. Care to join me?"
Sonia stepped out of the way so the pair could see the statue.
"What's this, then?" Hop seemed confused.
"It's a statue of the hero who once saved the Galar region," Sonia smiled, "I could run through the legend right quick, if you fancy?"
"Uhm...sure?" Lumi wasnt even aware Galar had a backstory!
"Long ago...a great black storm covered the Galar region. People called it "the Darkest Day," Sonia narrated, "The land was assaulted by gigantic Pokémon...but they were defeated by a single young hero bearing a sword and shield. The statue here is meant to depict the young hero of that legend. We still don't understand what kind of sword and shield the hero actually had. And what this "black storm" is supposed to be is just another mystery... Whatever it was, it blotted out the skies all across Galar. I suppose that tracks with it being called the Darkest Day, but still..."
"Huh...I supposed he's the reason the sky isn't ripping itself apart?" Lumi was still lost, but tried to keep up anyway.
"Looks like you'll have your hands full with plenty of research though, Sonia," Hop chuckled, "Black storms and swords and shields and all."
"Will you be alright, Sonia?" Lumi was concerned.
"Don't worry!" Sonia smiled, "I'll muddle through somehow. Don't you go worrying your head off like you did when I broke my foot! You two are staying here at the hotel tonight though, right? You two should check in!"
"Oh right!" Lumi realized it, and then nodded, "If me and Hop hear anything about the hero of days, we will let you know!"
"Much appreciated, Lumi," Sonia chuckled, shaking her head, "Now go on, you silly girl."

Lumi headed to the receptionist desk. But she stopped, confused. A group of people in punk attire were seemingly blocking the desk so nobody could sign in.
"Hey...could you please move?" Lumi asked.
"We came all the way here to this big city so we could properly cheer on Gym Challengers!" one of the thugs snarled, "Team Yell is here to help, after all! Now scram unless you want a fight!"
"I believe that I said...MOVE!!" Lumi's yell was loud enough to echo, and it caught everyone's attention, and even made the Team Yell grunts collectively glare at her, making her voice die down to a whimper, "oh, sh....oot."
"Didn't we tell you, mate?" The same grunt spoke up, "Get in our way, and you're in for a fight!"
"Oi," Hop caught up with Lumi, "What's all this now?"
"Team Yell's here!" the grunt announced, "And it's all about helpin' one special trainer win the Gym Challenge! We wanna make sure she gets cheered on nice and proper...and you're gonna help us make some noise!"

The two fought exceptionally well together, scorbunny and wooloo dancing around their foes. The grunts were defeated, but their hype wasn't gone yet.
"I wasn't expecting checking in to be such a big fuss tonight!" Hop said, "Now please move."
"Oh, you'd like that, huh?" one of the female Yell grunts spoke up, "The only sound you'll be making is the whimper of defeat!"
Lumi was bracing for fisticuffs to ensue, putting full faith in Hop helping her. Hop was about to taunt them to bring it on, when...

"What are you lot doin' here?"

The voice made the Team Yell grunts freeze and caught the attention of the Postwick duo. A girl in a pink dress and a black leather jacket stood there, morpeko by her side. She seemed...annoyed? It was hard to tell with the lack of emotion.
"Marnie?!" one of the grunts looked alarmed, "N-n-nothin'! We was just-"
"I know you are all terribly curious 'bout the other challengers," Marnie sighed as she walked forward, "But you gotta show a bit of restraint. Now scoot, so the others can sign in!"
As the grunts vanished, Lumi was starstruck by the girl before her.
"Oh gosh she's cute..." Lumi thought to herself.
"Sorry 'bout them!" Marnie shook her head and turned to Hop and the blushing Lumi, "They're just a bunch of my fans. Call themselves Team Yell and follow me around, cheerin' for me...I'm pretty sure they're lettin' it all go to their heads a bit. They're just so caught up in their support that they tend to get a bit shirty with the other gym challengers. Sorry for any trouble that lot caused."
"So you're a gym challenger, too?" Hop grinned, "Pretty impressive that you already have a set of fans rooting for you!"
Marnie simply gave a very slight smile and nodded. Lumi felt her heart burst. As Marnie went to go get checked in, Hop had yet to realize that Lumi was lost in space.
"Man, what a day," Hop sighed, his smile always prevalent, "We got to check in too, that's awesome! Right Lumi?"
Lumi was being quiet, the blush on her face still not gone.
"Uhhh....Lumi?" Hop snapped his fingers, "Earth to Lumi. Wake up, space cadet!"
"H-huh?!" Lumi snapped out of it, "What'd I miss?!"
"You zoned out," Hop chuckled.
"Oh right!" Lumi laughed, "I must've dozed off again! Sorry Hop! I guess I zoned out."
Hop checked if Marnie had already left, then turned back to Lumi.
"Hey, don't worry," Hop had apparently caught on, "I won't go spilling who you got a crush on. Now c'mon, we gotta check in and rest up if we wanna compete, right?"
"Yeah!" Lumi smiled.

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