Chapter 17 (the curse)

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The way to Dumbledores office wasnt long and soon Isabella found herself knocking on the big door. Hearing a loud come in she entered and came face to face with the headmaster who wanted to talk.
It was weird Isabella thought there would be more proffesors if not all after what happened tonight. Like Dumbledore could read her mind he answered her question.
Dumbledore: Im sure the proffesors are very curious about you but i was hoping to talk privately if thats ok with you.?
Isabella: sure about?
Of course she knew what about but Hermione taught her always to ask.
Dumbledore: im glad you asked i have a few questions about your non verbal magic if thats ok...
Isabella: sure ask away...
Dumbledore: thank you, firstly does the magic come from your heart or somewhere else in your body?
Isabella: well thats a weird question but i guess from my heart i never thought about that, it always came naturally to activate. The control is another thing...
Dumbledore: interesting.... And would you say that you are in control of you magic?
Isabella: thats difficult to answer, you see when well when a really negative emotion consumes me i tend to lose control but im able to control that with my anchor now.
Isabella smile thinking about Hermione when a caught broke her out of the daydream.
Dumbledore: Would you mind it if you tried a spell i have written down for you i would like to know if you are able to do it.
Isabella: sure lets see it.

Dumbledore handed Isabella a paper and put a sleeping frog on the table. Isabella looked at him like he was crazy before reading the spell of the paper succesfully waking the frog up.
Dumbledore: excelent, could you do it with something bigger?
Isabella: im sorry i dont think thats posible, well let me tell you how my magic works, if i read the spells without knowing what they are for and more information it only works on small objects and creatures but to do this with something bigger i have to study and understand what im trying to do.
Dumbledore: interesting, then i would like to ask a favor from you miss Krum.
Isabella: what kind of favour?
Dumbledore: a dear friend of mine is under the influence of a very powerfull sleeping curse and i need you to find a way to wake her up.
Isabella: i dont know professor, im under a lot of preassure because of the tournament but i promise i will try to wake your friend but i need more informations..
Dumbledore: surely ask away
Isabella: well i will have to see them in person if that is possible, secondly i need to know what was the cause of this curse and how long the person is asleep and more minor informations but these 3 will be enough. Oh and unlimited entrance into the library, even the restricted section for researche of course.... And... never mind thats all.
Dumbledore: I think that can be arranged and perhaps permission for entrance into the restricted section for miss Granger too? For studying purposes of course, you know miss Granger already tried filling out the form for acces to the section but you wouldnt know anything about that right? ;)
Isabella: thank you proffesor i will try my best.
Isabella turned around and started making her way towards the door before Dumbledore stopped her for one last time
Dumbledore: Miss Krum, im glad you decided to come with your school and hope you can help my friend whose name will stay anonymous for your own good im sure you understand. And Professor McGonnagall will reach out to you to show you where they are.
Isabella nodded before getting out the door and towards the Gryffindor common room to cuddle with her girlfriend as promised.

The next day Hermione was her curious self and bombarded Isa with many questions about the conversation she had with her headmaster. Isabella tried to tell her the truth without breaking Dumbledores trust but that was pretty easy as she didnt know much herself. Thankfully Hermione let it go as she started sqeeling after the permision to the restricted section in the library was mentioned and many hugs and kisses were exchanged before proffesor McGonnagal knocked on the door asking Isabella to follow her.

The journey was filled with comfortable silence and ocationally small conversation about Hogwarts and its history and interesting facts. Isabella was so lost in her head about the second task that she didnt notice the professor stoping and bumped into her mutering a quick apology before giving her her whole attention she noticed that they were before a painting in the lower parts of the moving staircase. The painting was one of a night sky above the great lake, many stars shining on the sky the moonlight reflecting on the waters surface. It was captivating and beautifull.
McGonnagall said the secret password: ,,Big baloon in a bouncy house", and the painting opened into a long hall with doors on the very end of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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