Chapter 12 (the champions)

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The morning sun shined through the window of the ship and woke the two lovebirds up.
Isabella opening her eyes first and admiring the beauty of her love. She noticed the sun higlighted her beatifull face. To wake her lover up she started pempering her with kisses starting from her neck up to her jaw and nose going all the way up to her forehead over her closed eyesand than returning slightly down ending her lips way on Hermiones lips waking the brunett witch up gently. Greeting each other and wishing them good morning before safely accompaniing Hermione to her chambers before breakfast and the champions revealer.

The day of the ceremonation of choosing the champions came and all of the students from Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts were thrilled to know who the 3 champions would be.
Everyone who submitted their name in the goblet of fire nervous as the ceremonation was nearing.
Isabella made her way towards the great hall when she saw professor Moody saying something to a rat? Looking past it and thinking that moody was just weird and continued her way joyining Will and Cedric and reaching the great hall laughing with her friends. As they reached their destination with entering the great hall many eyes fell on the trio but there was only one eyes that Isabella was looking for and she found them at their assighned gryffindor table.
The breakfast continued accompanied with jokes and teasing as the brunnetts eyes every chance they got searched for the gryffindore she was quickly falling for and who never dissapointed and met her eyes every time.
When Cedric or Will teased her about the stares she just shrugged them off not caring if she was obvious or not sending a paper bird towards Hermione as they were having an enlightening conversation about elves and their rights.

They have to stop as the breakfast ends and Dumbledore announces the ceremony of the champions choosing will start and the room goes awfully quiet. The first champion is from Beauxbatons and that is Fleur Delacour says Dumbelore and the students chear as Fleur gets sent to another room where all of the champions will go to hear the rules from Ludo Bagman.
The next champion chosen was from Hogwarts and that was no one other than Cedric Diggory also known as the golden boy who everyone likes. And the students from Hogwards cheered even after he left.
Tha next champion shocked everyone and then the Durmstrang students started shouting because there was another Hogwarts champion and if it wasnt enough that the cup didnt choose anyone from Durmstrang yet than the fact that it was Harry Potter who looked like a dear caught in headlights than it was the fact that he was not even supposed to be able to enter.
Isabella quieted the table around her looking with worry at Harrys table as Hermione had a look of worry on her face and Harry was shivering in fear as he left to join the next champions.

Dumbledore was about to go after Harry when the cup started flaring and the flames started acting crazy before another paper was descending into Dumbledores hand leaving the headmaster speechless.
Dumbledore: Isabella Krum
Isabella stood up with a firm no and started going for the doors but came face to face with Hermione who was standing between her and the doors out of the great hall looking remorsefull and worried.
Hermione: Isabella please go with them if the cup chose you and you refuse to compete you will die.
Isabella: what! You got to be kidding me so i have to compete in something i didnt even sighn up to, in an event that could get me killed and if i dont compete i will die well thats just great. When i get the one who enrolled me into this competition they will face hell, that f*cker.
By the look on Hermiones and Dumbledores faces she knew Hermione wasnt kidding and she had no choice if she wanted to live so she gave the girl before her who was barely holding it together a hug picking her up shocking everyone as turned around and made her way towards the room for the champions with Hermione in her arms telling Dumbledore that she will not compete if hermione cant come with her to the room forcing the headmasters to agree.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the big room filled with old things and gold the other champions shocked to see her and Hermione who punched Isabella in her shoulder telling her to put her on the ground before she bites her to let go. Reluctantly Isabella put her lover on the ground greeting the other champions saying a quick sorry to Hermione hugging her and telling her that she had to take her with so she didnt have another panic attack and as an anchor to not flip out on anyone.
The headmasters rushed into the room all enraged and glaring as they made their way towards the champions all of their eyes folowing Harry as he hid behind Isabella and Hermione before anyone could start screaming.

The conversation was quick as Dumbledore asked Harry if he put his name into the goblet and when he got the obvious answer against which the other headmesters had complains Isabella dropped the bomb that she didnt enter either and all hell broke loose.
Minerva: I dont like this Albus there is something so wrong with this we cant go through with the competition.
Dumbledore: Ludo can we even stop the tournament?
Ludo: Im sorry to inform you that there is no going back after the cup chooses a champion they have to try and finish the tasks or die. Both mr. Potter and miss Krum have to compete or they will die.
Isabella: Are you f*cking kidding me!
Hermione: lenguage!
Isabella: sorry love
Harry: whipped 😏
Hermione and Isabella: shut up Harry not the time
Harry: sorry

At the end of the day Isabella had no choice but to compete in the tournament and so she left the ship and went for a midnight walk to clear her head.

Some days later after Harry found out about the dragons.
Harry was running after Isabella as she was finishing her morning run reaching her without breath as she stopped to get back to the ship to take a shower and than go to breakfast.
Harry: Bella wait i have something important to tell you.
Isabella: calm down Harry first catch your breath and then tell me i will wait dont worry. How long were you trying to catch me you look like you are about to pass out, here have some water.
Harry: thanks, oh just from that rock.
Isabella: thats 100 meters Harry, some would think you would be more fit when you are playing quiditch. You know its not just about you being good at flying right?
Harry: what do you mean? No i have something important we can talk about quiditch after.
Isabella: sorry, go ahead im listening.
Harry: Dragons. The first task is that each of us has to fight a dragon.
Isabella: ok, thanks Harry.
Harry: you're not surprised or scared at all?
Isabella: i mean i knew that the tasks would be life thretening and dragons are dangerous so no im not surprised and no im not scared sure dragons are really powerfull and majestic beasts but im not defensless and its not because i dont have what it takes that i didnt want to enter the competition. Im just not like that you know im quiet peacefull but when i have to fight back i know how. If you want i can help you train i know it must be hard when you are younger and know less than the other champions so if you want my help just find me or tell Hermione to tell me.
Harry: ok thanks, and when you brought it up how are you and Hermione dooing?
Isabella: Potter i didnt know you wanted to know what we do in our free time you perv.
Harry: no i mean no not like that why would you think that no.
Isabella: chill Harry im just messing with you its going great i asked her yesterday if she would be my girlfriend and she said yes and then we made out.
Harry: well im happy for you both. And also ewww dont tell me how my bestfriend sucks faces with you just ewww.
Isabella laughted before saying goodbye to Harry and continuing with her way towards the ship, after getting on the ship she woke Will up and went to take her shower. After the shower she texted Hermione good morning and that she will see her on breakfast. Picking Will up from his room they started their way towards the great hall for breakfast.
Will: sooooo, you and Granger yeah?
Isabella: yeah, i think i fell for her Will and she is the only think keeping me sane with the competitions first task coming up no offense. I mean dragons who is making these tasks so i can punch them in the face.
Will: yeah you know what you will do against the dragon?
Isabella: no clue but i think something with cloning myself so the dragon doesnt know what clone to hit and i can complete the task hopefully so the dragon is not hurt too badly.
Will: yeah thats a great idea and im sure the dragons didnt agree to the fight either. But lets talk about something else like what will we get for breakfast?
Isabella: oh Will sometimes im asking myself if you're actually the same age as me or a child.
Will: im a child at heart leave me alone.
The way to the great hall was filled with laughter and jokes and Isabella was greatfull that Will is as childish as he is.

AN: hi hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any mistakes.
Hope you have a good day or night.
Sending love.

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