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Part 4
"I went through hell and back because of you, yet you'll always be the one who makes me the happiest"

🎶: 'driver's license' by Olivia Rodrigo

There's this saying.

Someone once said: As time passes, the pain is less.

Or, they said something along the lines of: Time heals everything.

Soobin didn't know where he heard this statement.

Maybe it was in one of his textbooks, perhaps he overheard one of his teachers say it, but that doesn't really matter.

Somehow he heard it.

When he was younger, Soobin thought that saying was utter nonsense.

But now that he was a bit older, two years later, looking back on all this time... Soobin realized that it held so many elements of truth to it.

Enough for him to say it really was true.

Well... at least for the most of it.

After the most horrid week of his life in February, more things began to fall apart for Soobin.

Nothing stayed the same.

Not even school was stable.

The emotional struggles that Soobin was now going through completely wrecked his academic grade and performance.

He could no longer study, he could no longer focus.

The storm in his mind was far too grave; it could no longer serve as a distraction from everything around him as it had been for just one week.

He tried.

He tried so hard to put his energy into his studies, but failed to do so, always ending up on the floor sobbing, the door locked so no one could come in to see him suffer because he knew he would get no sympathy at all.

The stress became worse than before, now that nobody could relieve it like the way somebody did before.

It was a miracle that Soobin just barely managed to pass with a relatively good degree; nothing spectacularly extraordinary, but not an utter failure either.

But that piece of paper called his diploma, one he spent his entire life working towards to, had little to no meaning for him.

Not when Soobin had no idea what he wanted to do from now on.

And it's not like he cared either, having completely lost the will for a better life and brighter future.

Because he knew it'll be damn near impossible with the inconsolable hole in his heart.

But the one thing he did know?

As soon as graduation was over?

He. Was. Out of there.

Woohan slammed his hands against the table.

"First it was you dating that scoundrel and now you want to leave us?!" he yelled.

In the background, right behind the main entrance door, stood a moving van, being piled up with all of Soobin's furniture and belongings, all that was in his old bedroom.

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