Chapter 33

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The snowy days of January bled into the windy, cold and barren days of February.

Soon, it would be time to study for the very last exams of his life, and to take his diploma finals in the first week of March, specifically, March 4th, 2019. Soobin was a bit nervous for them, but also excited.

Only a few weeks, and then he was finally out of the hell he called his own home.

How was he gonna break the news to his parents?

Well, Soobin wasn't sure yet, but he firmly believed only time will tell him. Right now, getting a good diploma was his main priority.

As well as making sure to spend lots of time with his boyfriend to keep him company. Like today— Soobin wanted to take Taehyun out, and they decided to head back to their spot to chat, even though it was quite cold.

It's been a while since they've last been there.

"My 17th birthday is in four days," Taehyun suddenly spoke up.


Soobin's mouth dropped open.

"You're turning 17?!"

"Umm yeah?"

Soobin fake cried the next part while squishing his cheeks.

"Wahhh Taehyun you are growing up so fast in front of my eyes!"

"Soobin hyung my cheeks!"

"Oh sorry."

Taehyun rubbed them, a pout on his face.

Why is he so uncharacteristically embarrassing and cringe these days?

He innerly secretly loved it, seeing that Soobin was happy acting like this, but he wasn't gonna admit that.

Plus, where's the fun in not acting annoyed in front of your partner?

"I wanted to ask you something, but now I'm not sure," Taehyun huffed, folding his arms across his chest.

"What? Come on, tell me!"


A small smile formed on Taehyun's face.

"... my family and I are inviting you for a sleepover on the 4th that'll cross to the 5th."

His eyes widened.


He nodded excitedly.

"Our family tradition is to stay awake until midnight so we can directly celebrate our new age. With Yuna it hasn't worked so well; she always falls asleep before 11 pm."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. So, are you down for it?"

Soobin nodded with a happy smile.

"I'd love to be there! I'll just have to check in with my parents."

And buy a present as well.

"Okay, let me know if you can come."

"I will."

Soobin glanced around to make sure they really were only, despite the hill being a typically secluded area, and quickly pressed a kiss on Taehyun's forehead.

"Hey, what was that for?!" Taehyun adorably protested.


This time it was Soobin's turn to pout.

"Can't I give my Tyun a kiss?"

"Well— yeah."

Soobin laughed.

Secrets - [TAEBIN FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon