Chapter 23

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After making sure Taehyun got home safely, Soobin drove back home in a cab. As he did, a random thought about a certain little license came to mind, and how he should probably start working his way to getting it.

He arrived back home, thanking the cab driver and paying him a fair pay of 20,000 won, and entered the house through the front door. At least, for once, his parents didn't mind him going out.

Oh who was Soobin kidding.

They didn't even realize he left to pick Taehyun up as well as grab some fresh air after being cooped up.

"Mother, Father!" he called.

"In the living room Soobin."

Came the dry and empty response.

Soobin entered the said room and found them on the couch, watching the news, with his mom daintily sipping on her cup of tea.

"When can I get driving lessons?"

They turned around to face their son.

"Driving lessons?" Woohan raised his brow.

Soobin nodded.

"Yes. I would like to learn how to drive."


Seolhyun put her thinking face on.

"... there will be open courses next year. We'll sign you up when there are available spots," she said.

"Okay. Thank you."

Soobin was ready to leave to head back upstairs to his room but his father's question stopped him.

"Any particular reason why you want to start driving so suddenly?"

He paused in his steps.

I have to make up a half-lie-half-truth.

"I want to get to school on my own if it's raining, and do things without taking the subway," Soobin answered.

Soobin obviously knew the real reason he wanted to get his license: so he can drive Taehyun around and bring him home safely without the risk of anybody harming him on his way home.

Especially with how dark and cold the nights are from November until even late March.

"Ah. Good points," Woohan responded.

Soobin kept his blank expression and scurried up the stairs, finally escaping the cold interior of the living room.


Another week passed by, and it was now Friday. Mr Shun was writing notes on the white board while preaching about the works of Beethoven, getting a little side tracked from their actual history topic on German reunification back in 1990. Soobin didn't pay attention and glanced at the clock, the minutes ticking by so slowly like a snail.

Soobin looked at Hoseok and Jungkook in front of him. Jungkook was close to falling asleep, resting and leaning his head on his palm whereas Hoseok was doodling in his notebook, probably sketching the next steps of a new choreography.

"... you should play Beethoven's 9th symphony every New Year's Eve for good luck," Mr Shun concluded.

Then, the bell rang.

"Merry Christmas students and a happy new year too!" he said, packing his markers.

The rest of the 12th grade class whooped and dropped their pens, causing a clattering sound as they began clamoring and chatting about how glad they were to have survived their final main semester.

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