Chapter 35

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A/N: if you guys wanna you can continue playing Celebrity, the song fits really well for the first half of this chapter :)


After all of this excitement, Yuna fell asleep on Lia's lap and Ahyeon sent everyone to bed. She carried Yuna into her room and Lia bid the two boys goodbye, and to not do anything that could wake them up.

To which she just barely dodged a little clap on the head.

When Taehyun and Soobin entered his bedroom shortly past midnight, they realized something when glancing at the floor.

"I forgot to look for our old camping mattress," Taehyun said.

"That won't be a problem."

"Where are you gonna sleep then— SOOBIN!"

Soobin effortlessly picked the 17 year old boy up and carried him bridal style, throwing themselves onto Taehyun's mattress, legs and arms entangled into each other.

"I much rather sleep next to you tonight," Soobin said.

Taehyun scoffed but the blush was obvious.

"I guess even when I am 17 I will still be showered with hugs, cuddles and kisses."

"That—" Soobin pecked his forehead. "— won't change, even if you are 28 and I am 30."

"Wow... that age seems so far away."

"I think we should still enjoy our teens."

"I agree."

And at that moment? Soobin wanted to make it even more special.

"Wait for one sec."

He climbed out of bed, and went over to his backpack.

"What is it, Soobin?"

"I wanted to give you this tomo— I mean this morning, but now I wanna give it to you right now."

Soobin found the small present wrapped in a little box tucked into one of the pouches of his bag and brought it back to bed. He sat down on the mattress, beckoning for Taehyun to sit up. The brown haired obediently sat up and glanced at him.

"What is it?"

Soobin handed the wrapped present to him.

"Happy birthday Taehyun," he smiled.

His eyes went wide.

"You got me something?!"

"Yes. I would've written you a letter too, but I'm not that good with words... plus I don't think I can top what you wrote for me."

Taehyun gave him a look that held love and playful teasing.

"You came here despite it being studying season. You made my birthday already special, so no regrets okay?"

Soobin chuckled.

"Fine fine. Now, shall you unwrap your gift?"

"I already am."

Taehyun slid the ribbon bow off the box and opened the lid. His mouth dropped open as he gasped when he saw what was inside.

"This is so pretty!"

He picked the necklace up with his fingers and took a moment to admire it.

"Wow... thank you so much."

"That's not all."

Soobin reached into his shirt and pulled a chain out. Taehyun looked at the item dangling there.

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