Chapter 14

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When Soobin entered school the next day at 8:00 am, he spotted Bomi and Jinjoo chatting together by the entrance.

He was about to divert his eyes down and just go away but too late, Bomi already saw him.

"Hey Soobin!"

Having no other choice other than being polite, Soobin only awkwardly waved.

"Oh, hey you two," he greeted.

"You're here early."

"I suppose."

This is the usual time I come to school though, just not to this area of the premises.

"How are you feeling Jinjoo?" he decided to ask out of politeness.

"Better, it thankfully wasn't too bad or anything serious. But that kid for sure has a strong aim," Jinjoo laughed.

"True; he could've given his team a home run had he not hit you," Bomi added.

Soobin chose to make zero comments towards the two slightly bashing on Taehyun in a not-so, but also, joking manner.

No need to cause a fight where I don't want one. Although they could definitely wire their mouths shut.

The bell rang.

"Oh, we have to go to class. Could we perhaps sit with you, Hoseok and Jungkook today during lunch?" Bomi asked.


Soobin wasn't very certain about that, since Taehyun sat with them and he might feel a bit uncomfortable seeing how he injured Jinjoo yesterday.

But at the same time, it would be a little rude to reject them.

What the fuck, is my dad starting to show in me?

"Uhh sure," Soobin eventually responded.

"Okay, see you then."

They left, and Soobin was about to go in as well when he heard someone speak behind him.

"What were they talking about with you?"

Soobin looked back to see Taehyun there, all alone in his winter coat and scarf.

"Oh hi Taehyun. They were asking if they could sit with us during lunch, and I said yes."

"Oh. Well..."

He sighed.

"If they must."

Soobin smiled reassuringly at him.

It's all I can really do for him now.

"If you get too uncomfortable, then we can leave for a while."


"By the way, where is Beomgyu?"

"Oh, he's sick. I had to drive my bike today."

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