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Sitting in my hospital room for the last time before discharge, a whirlwind of emotions dance through my mind.

The atmosphere was enveloped in a serene silence, breaking only by the soft hum of medical equipments, and the gentle rustle of papers as I glanced through my discharge instructions that were handed over to me by Engin, who was now out with the nurses waiting for Eda to arrive.
The warm sunlight filtered through the window, casting a golden glow that bathed the room in a peaceful ambiance.

The room seemed to hold onto the memories and the conversations that it witnessed.
The bedside table, where I had placed the bookmark which was awaiting to be held again in Eda's hands, as a playful gesture, and my last symbol of contact I could have with Eda. I don't know if we'll be able to see each other again, but my only hopes are that with that bookmark she'll atleast remember me in her heart.

This is my only wish.

I can't help but think back to the playful banter and flirty exchange with Eda, especially the moment I gave her that bookmark. The way her eyes held a hint of confusion, a subtle attempt to conceal the recognition that flickered within them. It's moments like those that add a touch of intrigue to these hospital walls, moments that make me forget about the injuries and the challenges awaiting me outside.
As I recall our conversation, I find myself smiling at the memory of her earnestness and the way she tried not to let on that she remembered our encounter from four months back.
There's a warmth in my chest as I remember the way she listened intently, her curiosity evident despite her efforts to appear composed.

It's strange, but I haven't found any woman as captivating or as interesting as Eda since my break-up with Selin.
Eda's presence, her intelligence, and the subtle complexity beneath her composed exterior have piqued my curiosity in a way I hadn't expected.

I fell in love with her eyes, four months back, and since then, I'm all for her. Her thoughts are flooding my mind in an intense and romantic swirl. Her beauty, so captivating and alluring, it seemed to transcend mere physicality and touch the depths of my soul. Her chocolate eyes, deep and expressive, held a world of emotions within their depths. They were windows to her soul, revealing vulnerability, strength, and a warmth that drew me in with an irresistible pull. I found myself lost in the depths of those eyes, losing track of time as I drowned in their richness and depth.
Her body, a masterpiece of curves and contours, seemed to embody a perfect balance of elegance and allure. Every movement she made was like poetry in motion, a dance of grace and sensuality that left me spellbound. I could imagine tracing the lines of her silhouette with reverence, each curve a testament to her beauty and allure.

Oh! How beautiful she is...

In that moment of reflection, I realized that Eda's beauty went beyond the surface. It was the way she carried herself, the way she spoke with passion and conviction. She was a symphony of beauty and substance, a rare combination that had captured my heart in ways I never thought possible.
And the Irony is, that I barely even know her. In such short time, she has stirred something deep within my heart... Hitting a corner that I had never even felt before.
However, I can sense that she is a little reserved with me, specially since the day of our bathroom encounter.

As beautiful as her smile is, a particular curiosity sparks within me-a longing to know the sound of her laughter. I can't help but wonder how her laugh would sound, imagining it as a melody that could brighten even the darkest of days. Would it be a soft and gentle giggle, like the tinkling of wind chimes on a peaceful afternoon? Or perhaps it would be a hearty laugh, full of warmth and infectious joy, filling the air with a sense of celebration and happiness. I pictured her eyes crinkling at the corners, her smile widening as laughter bubbled from within her, a symphony of mirth that echoed through the room and touched the hearts of those around her. I could almost hear the sound, a harmonious blend of music and happiness, drawing me closer to the allure of her presence. In that moment of imagination, her laughter became a beacon of light, a reminder of the sudden change she has brought into my life. It was a sound I yearned to experience firsthand, a melody I wished to hear as it danced through the air, filling the spaces between us with a shared moment of delight.
As I pondered on the sound of her laughter, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that if given the chance, hearing Eda's laughter would be like discovering a hidden treasure-a precious and priceless gift that would resonate within me, forever etched in the tapestry of my heart.

Flawed Hearts (EDSER AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt