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Hey Guys, before starting with the next chapter, I want to tell you all something...

First of all, my Book has crossed 100+ reads in just a week!!
I cannot express how happy and grateful I am to you all who took out their precious time to read my book.
I just want all of you to know that your views motivate me to write more. They mean a lot more than you think. A big thanks to everyone!!!

Please continue to show your support and love to this book!!!

Much Love :)



I was never like this before, not even with Efe. Neither did I expect myself being stuck here in this situtation in the first place.

Never did I thought that someone whom I would be meeting for the first time, will be stuck in my head afterwards. The mighty Serkan Bolat is Living in my head rent-free since the first time we met and now I am here again, face - to - face with him.

It's crazy right, how you unexpectedly meet someone again whom you least expected, that too at such a worse time.
Honestly, I did want to meet him again, but not when he was lying injured on the army chopper, with a bullet in his shoulder and a deep cut in his arm. I have to admit, even when he is wounded, with so many scars on his face and body, he's looking even more hadsome than when we met for the first time. It seems that his battle scars are the jwellery that adorn him. For the second time in my whole life, I have seen a man who has affected my mind and body in this way. Well the first time was when I met Efe, who apparently left me for some so called unknown reason and decided to never come back... Not even for Kiraz.
That day when Efe left me heartbroken with Kiraz still in my belly, I made a promise to myself, to never love a man again. But when Life repeated itself to me, and I saw Serkan Bolat for the first time, I felt the sparks in my body which I had never felt in years...

4 months back...

"Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another."

I sighed, as I read these beautiful words written by Carl Sagan in his book, COSMOS.
I was since the very beginning of my childhood interested in astronomy. The memories of the time of my childhood when I used to go star-gazing with my dad are still afresh in my mind. To this day, whenever I see the stars shining bright in the forbidding sky, I realise how tiny I am compared to these massive gas balls, far away from us in this incredulous universe. How we are just nothing in front of this boundless nothing. Still we consider ourseleves as superior, such diminutive things or situations become substantial for us. So whenever I feel myself being all distinguished and haughty, I remind myself of these twinkling stars shining bright. Sometimes I just want to go back in the old times, when I was a little anxious girl, my Daddy's princess. Being in his protective big arms, in which I used to feel home, his warmth, the special moments I shared with him... Oh what I wouldn't do to be in those arms again, just for once...

I felt my wet tears trickling down my cheeks. I quickly brushed them off with the back of my palms and put the book back into it's shelf.

I had come to my favourite Library which was just a few blocks down my house. I come here whenever I feel like spending some time to myself which I don't usually get often considering that I am in the army. Today I came here again to find some solace as I am off duty and Kiraz has also went to a hiking trip organised by her school.

After keeping the book back in the shelf, I decided to leave and started to walk towards the aisle. I suddenly remembered that I had forgot to message Ceren about our meeting today, so I looked down at my purse and took my phone out. Just when I was about to type something, I bumped into something hard and my phone fell from my hands.

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