Chap#12: Reflection

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Her voice quivered with fear as she gently shook him, desperate for any sign of response. Gun quickly assessed the situation, his eyes scanning New for any visible injuries.

Gun: "We need to get him to the infirmary. Can you walk, Love?"

Love nodded, her determination overshadowing her fear. Together, they carefully supported New, guiding him towards the school's infirmary. The journey felt agonizingly slow, each step echoing with their collective anxiety.

Upon arrival, the nurse quickly ushered them in, her experienced eyes assessing New's condition. She began her examination, her hands gentle but efficient.

Nurse: "What happened?"

Love exchanged a nervous glance with Gun before speaking.

Love: We found him in the alley, and he just collapsed."

The nurse's expression hardened as she continued her examination, noting the signs of trauma and stress.

Nurse: "He'll need rest and observation. I'll keep an eye on him. You two did the right thing bringing him here."

Love and Gun stayed by New's side, their worry palpable. As New rested, his breathing steadied, and the tension in his body began to ease. Love held his hand, her thumb gently stroking his knuckles, offering silent comfort.

Gun: "We need to do something about Tay. This can't keep happening."

Love nodded, her eyes never leaving New's face.

Love: "We will. But right now, we need to make sure New is okay."

Hours passed, and slowly, New began to stir. His eyelids fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented.

New: "Love? Gun?"

Love's eyes filled with relief as she leaned in closer.

Love: "We're here, New. You're safe."

New's eyes welled up with tears, and he squeezed Love's hand.

New: "Thank you. I... I didn't know what to do."

Gun placed a reassuring hand on New's shoulder.

Sooner or later, Tay found out through OFF that Love and Gun had carried New to the infirmary after he fainted. Panic surged through him, and he rushed to the infirmary, desperate to see New and make sure he was okay. However, when he arrived, he was met with a furious Love and Gun standing guard outside the room.

Love: "What are you doing here, Tay?"

Tay, out of breath and clearly distressed, tried to push past them. "I need to see New. Is he alright?"

Gun stepped forward, his expression a mix of anger and protectiveness. "You're not going in there. New told us everything. You've done enough."

Tay's face fell, the guilt and fear in his eyes unmistakable. "Please, I just want to make sure he's okay. I didn't mean for this to happen."

Gun's eyes blazed with anger. "Get the fuck out, Tay. You've hurt him enough. He needs to rest, not more stress from you."

Tay recoiled as if he'd been struck, the harsh words hitting him hard. He looked over Gun's shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of New, but Love moved to block his view.

Love: "Tay, you need to leave. Now. This is about what's best for New, and right now, you being here isn't helping."

Tay's shoulders slumped in defeat, realizing there was no way they would let him in. He nodded slowly, backing away.

Tay: "I'm sorry. Please... just tell him I'm sorry."

With that, Tay turned and walked away, his heart heavy with regret. Inside the infirmary

As New lay inside the infirmary, the muffled sounds of Tay pleading with Love and Gun filtered through the door. His heart ached hearing Tay's desperate voice, but the pain of what had happened was still too fresh. The memory of Tay's harsh grip and menacing words replayed in his mind, making it clear that he could not let himself be vulnerable to Tay again.

Despite the turmoil, New reminded himself that they weren't even a thing. The way Tay had treated him was inexcusable, and just imagining Tay's angry, possessive behavior sent a wave of pain through him.

New: thinking to himself "How did it come to this? I thought there was something good in Tay, but now... I can't forget how he hurt me."

Love: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

New managed a weak smile. "Better, thanks to you and Gun."

After four days, New returned to school. He felt a mixture of anger and hurt whenever he saw Tay. Despite Tay's attempts to catch his eye, New avoided looking at him, still raw from the recent events. However, seeing that New seemed to be doing well brought Tay a small sense of relief.

As the school day ended and students began to leave their classrooms, Tay saw his chance. He approached New and gently held his hand. Love and Gun, ever vigilant, immediately stepped in to intervene.

Love: "Tay, let go of him. He doesn't need this right now."

Gun: "Back off, Tay. Haven't you done enough?"

New, feeling the tension between them, took a deep breath. "It's okay, Love, Gun. I'll talk to him. You both can leave. I'll be there in a few minutes."

New: "What do you want, Tay?"

Tay looked down, guilt and regret evident on his face. "I wanted to apologize, New. I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just... I lost control."

New's expression hardened. "Tay. You can't just hurt people and expect everything to be okay with an apology."

Tay's voice trembled as he tried to explain. "I know, I know. I was jealous  But I had no right to act the way I did. Please believe me, I want to change. I want to make things right."

Tay's eyes filled with tears. "I understand. I know it'll take time, but please, let me prove to you that I can be better."

New sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Tay, I need time.  Maybe one day we can talk about this again, but right now, I need distance."

New took Tay's hand and gently loosened his grip, then turned and walked away without saying anything. Tay stood there, his hand falling to his side, the silence between them heavy with unresolved emotions.

Love and Gun, waiting nearby, saw New approaching and quickly joined him. 

Gun: "If you ever want to talk about it, we're here."

New offered a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks. I just... I need some time to process everything."

Love gently squeezed his shoulder. "Take all the time you need. We're not going anywhere."

As they made their way to a quiet spot off campus, New felt a sense of comfort in the presence of his friends. The road ahead was uncertain, but with Love and Gun by his side, he knew he had the support he needed to move forward.

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