Chap#7: Can I Hit on You

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Tay walked New over to a bench and then ran to buy some first aid supplies from a nearby medical store.

Tay: "You stay here. I'll get some band-aids for you."

New: "It's not a big deal."

Tay: "It's not a big deal for you, but for everything, including you, it makes it a big deal. Okay, now stay here. I'll be back in a minute."

New: "Okay..."

As Tay nodded and went, New waited. As time passed, he realized it was getting late. He glanced around and noticed his wounds. They weren't big wounds, but there were several on his right hand, so he blew on them as they stung.

Suddenly, Tay grabbed his hand as he sat beside him.

Tay: "Don't blow on it. It can cause infection. Here, I got some medicine. It should help with the pain. It doesn't hurt that much right now, but sooner or later, it'll burn and get irritated. I've had these many times. Just stay like this. I'll apply some antiseptic to prevent infection."

New: "It would sting. I don't like this."

Tay: "You're not a baby, and I'll make it quick, okay? Just close your eyes. It won't hurt, I promise."

New: "But what if—"

Tay: "You know about the story about that wish tree?"

New: "Yeah, I do. Gun told me. It's quite sad, though. They were the first batch of this school or university. But how can love be so bad for you that you can die? I think it's absurd in many ways. His parents—why did they—"

Tay: "Yeah, you're right. Continue."

New: "His parents gave him poison for what? Just because he liked a boy? Damn, that would have been harsh. Like, I can't even think like that."

Tay: "Done."

New: "What? Huh?" As New saw his wound was fixed and it didn't even hurt, and he didn't even feel the antiseptic. "How?"

Tay: "Magic. Now, go back home. Let's meet later. I'll see you off, so no one follows you."

New: "You sure? You had a meeting."

Tay: "I'll join late. It's okay."

As Tay walked New to the taxi stand:

New: "I'll go now."

Tay: "Yeah, you should. It's getting late."

As New was about to sit in the cab:

Tay: "New, wait."

New: "Yeah?"

Tay: "Can I try on you?"

New: ...

New smiled and sat inside the cab without answering.

Tay: "At least answer me."

As the cab moved, New looked back at Tay who was waving goodbye. New looked at Tay but didn't respond.

Tay chuckled at his stupidity, realizing the awkward timing of his question. Now that New didn't answer, curiosity gnawed at him, wondering about the implications and the direction of their relationship. He understood the challenges they faced in understanding each other, especially with the added complexity of his newfound romantic feelings for New.

They had spent nearly the entire day together due to their assignment, raising questions about what would happen next. Would things between them remain as easygoing as before, or would they shift into something more complicated?

Tay's desire to develop feelings for New wasn't about using him, but rather a genuine yearning to understand him better. New seemed to embody qualities that Tay admired—softness, adorableness, academic excellence, and kindness. Tay's uncertainty about his own sexuality added another layer of complexity to his emotions.

He pondered over the stark differences between himself and New—Tay's hot-tempered nature contrasting with New's gentle demeanor. Tay's feelings for New weren't a simple declaration of "I love you," but rather an exploration of whether his emotions were genuine or if he was merely attracted to New's universally appealing personality.

As he walked back, Tay couldn't help but replay the day's events in his mind. The way New had smiled at him, the warmth of his touch as he applied the antiseptic, the way he had waved goodbye without a word.

Meanwhile, New found himself grappling with internal conflict. Developing feelings for someone wasn't a simple matter—it demanded a significant portion of one's life, requiring genuine commitment. While Tay seemed to confront his emotions swiftly, New couldn't easily accept them.

From the moment New first encountered Tay, he felt a weight on his shoulders. However, over the course of more than 100 days, New's perception of Tay had evolved. Tay wasn't entirely bad, but neither was he wholly good. He possessed his fair share of flaws, including his hot temper—a trait that particularly irked New.

Although New acknowledged that Tay's temper could potentially be worked on, he also recognized that change wouldn't happen overnight. Despite this realization, New found himself smiling in Tay's presence. It wasn't a deliberate action but rather an instinctual response he extended to anyone.

New was hesitant to allow himself to develop romantic feelings for Tay. He didn't want to deceive either himself or Tay by fostering false hope. He admitted to himself that, at present, he didn't harbor any genuine feelings of love for Tay. Instead, he experienced fleeting moments of positivity when he encountered him—a sentiment that fell short of genuine love.

For New, true love wasn't merely about having pleasant thoughts when seeing someone. It was about experiencing a profound connection where the person stood at the forefront of your heart. Genuine love endured, encompassing both the bitter and sweet aspects of a relationship. Rather than causing harm, it involved a concerted effort to understand each other's complexities and navigate through life's challenges together.

Meanwhile, Gun expressed his concerns to Off, noticing a change in their dynamic.

Gun: "You seem really fine. I guess you won't need me anymore since you're doing so well with Kay."

Off: "What do you mean by that, Gun? The teacher paired me with Kay, and it wasn't my choice. Why am I even explaining this to you?"

Gun: "Because you're in a relationship with me, Off. Wake up."

Off: "Look, I understand. I know it's not ideal for me to be working with Kay on this assignment. But do you want me to fail? I can't afford that, can I, Gun, baby?"

Gun: "Yeah, I know. Your grades come before everything else, even me. All you care about is getting perfect grades and your love life what about that, right? Why, would you love a D-grader like me?"

Off: "It's not like that, Gun."

Gun: "Oh, I know it's like that, indeed."

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