Chap#10: Rain loves you

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It's been 7 days since Tay and I haven't talked. The only interaction we've had was exchanging instructions for the last assignment, and that's it. Tay respected my space, although I noticed him glancing over at me often during class. I ignored it, avoiding any interaction with him. But was I truly ignoring him, or was I just masking my happiness?

Gun: "Come here, New. Let's go with Tay and his gang today. I miss him, but we had a fight. Please?"

New: "You can go. I'm not in the mood."

Love: "Oh, come on." As they dragged him across the class to where Mark and Tay were sitting.

Love: "Hi, guys. Shall we join? We're kinda bored of each other."

Tay: "Why not, sure, sure."

Before anyone could respond, Tay interrupted, and everyone stared at him with puzzled expressions.

Tay: "Fine. You want me to be an asshole? Then stay wherever you want. Let's go, boys. I'm tired of this shit already." He shot a glare at New before leaving with the boys.

New: "A... already."

As Tay stopped at New speaking and looked back with a death stare, then left with the boys.

Gun: "Hmm, let's go to the cafeteria."

Love: "Yeah, we should. I wanna eat that raspberry cake so bad."

Gun: "You fatty, let's go."

Love: "Hey, I only weigh 60 kg. That's not much."

New: "I am 70 (real)."

Gun: "Huh, almost the weight of a whole man, Love, haha!"

Love: "Look at you, looking like a teenager." As they walked, New couldn't shake off the thoughts of the looks that Tay had given him and how tired he already felt.

Gun: "Wow, look, it's raining! Look, New, NEW, where did he go?"

Love: "Okay."

 As they were going in the corridor, New saw it was raining, so his steps changed the path, and he went to the main corridor area where the rain was more visible. As he looked at the sky, it was clear, just like the rain pouring down. The smell of the atmosphere felt somewhat relieving, like love, relieving the pain New was having because of Tay's words.

Suddenly, New walked out in the rain, looked up, and smiled. It was like a stress reliever. He was a big university boy, but boys usually tend to stop having fun in the rain and have major feelings because they are taught to be tough. 'Don't cry, you're a boy.' 'Why are you wearing that? It's not for boys.' 'Makeup is gay.' 'Playing in the rain is for girls, not for boys.' While society thinks it's easy for boys, no, it's not easy. Being the backbone of what we call a family, no masculinity decides that you're a man; your laws and rules do." Masculinity doesn't decide your worth; you do.

New was having fun, but everyone around him was panicking because of the rain, bustling to find shelter. Many found it amazing how New could enjoy such weather. There was a big difference between New and the others around him; New was his own person, and they all belonged to someone, so the things that made him happy were different as well. Suddenly, New looked ahead and saw Tay in front of him, smiling, water dripping off his hair as he flipped it back and looked back at New, still smiling.

Tay: "Looks like someone enjoys the rain too much."

New: "Why are you here? You'll get sick. Everyone's looking as well."

Tay: "Them looking makes it more romantic."

New: "tay, what are you saying? It's embarrassing."

Tay: "Why? You really love rain, don't you? What if you get sick?"

New: "I am going."

Tay: "Hey, wait. I'll go, you stay. This rain is unfair to me. Look at me, ahh, I look like a watered plant that didn't bloom at all."

New stopped as Tay was about to go.

tay: As he turned, saying "New, even the rain loves you. Look at you and then you ask  why I like you." be for real 

New looked down and smiled as Tay left.

Kay, witnessing the scene unfold, felt a pang of jealousy as he watched New and Tay interact. His frustration simmered beneath the surface until it boiled over, and he abruptly halted his steps, his irritation palpable. With a scowl etched on his face, he turned on his heel and stormed away, his annoyance evident in every stride.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a soft voice interrupted his reverie. It was Love, standing beside him with a gentle smile on her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

New nodded, offering her a small smile in return. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a moment."

Love glanced towards where Tay had disappeared into the rain, a thoughtful expression on her face. "He's a bit of an odd one, isn't he?"

New chuckled softly, the tension of the moment dissipating with each passing second. "Yeah, but I think that's what makes him... him."

As Love and New hurried back towards shelter, New couldn't shake the feeling of dampness clinging to his hair. He rummaged through his bag, hoping to find something to dry himself with, but his efforts were in vain. Frustration gnawed at him as he realized he had forgotten to pack a towel.

Just as he was about to give up hope, a large, muscular figure approached him. The man's expression was kind, his eyes filled with understanding as he extended a towel towards New.

"It's for you," the man said, his voice deep and reassuring. "I overheard you were caught in the rain and thought you might need this."

New was taken aback by the stranger's generosity. "Thank you," he managed to say, his voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

The man simply nodded, a warm smile playing on his lips. "No problem, btw hi I am earth from medicine major 

New: "Oh, hello Earth. It's nice to meet you," as they shook hands.

Earth: "I know you, New. New Thitipoom, the cutie of the campus," he smiled.

New: "Yeah," he smiled back.

Earth: "By the way, you like rain, huh? Isn't it a little problematic getting wet like this? You could get a fever or something. What will you do?"

New: "I've been playing in the rain for many years. It doesn't affect me," New sneezed "Achoo!"

Earth chuckled as New sneezed. Looking down, he offered New to get soup with him, and New agreed.

As they went together, Love chimed in, "How many guys want this guy? When will I get a  bf 

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