Chap#1 : Stay Away

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"People run away from problems; I run into them, literally.

Like every day is a new day. Today, for me, it was a new start. A really big part of my life was in front of my sight. I was here after all the hard work in my college. It paid off by me being in one of the biggest universities in Thailand. "My mom named me New because she thought that I would always try new things, make mistakes, learn from them, and try to be the best version of myself, the new me. And she was so right about it. 

"This was my dream, and now I'm in front of it. I'm going to start from here, another new dream. What that dream should be, I still don't know, but I will find one eventually.

"Hey, you! Move, move, move! What the hell! Ahhhh! Stop, you motherfucker! I'll catch you no matter what! Just you wait!

I looked in front, and a boy was chasing another boy. That boy was so fast, chasing the other guy who just pushed me out of sight and ran. The other guys caught me, and we collapsed over each other."

"I was figuring out what my dream would be when I tackled him on the first day of my university."

"Your moving, or should I kick your ass?"

New: "Oh, I'll move, I'll move. Here you go."

"You just wait. Let me catch that motherfucker, then I will deal with you. Until then, stay away from me..." [Suddenly, he stopped, seeing New's face that was blinking slowly, listening to him very concentrated.] "You... I, yeah..."

As he ran behind that guy again.

"Seeing him run that fast with that posture and language, I was 100 percent sure that he's not the one to intervene with because he was so much like a bad boy. It literally scared the crap out of me. His language was so harsh that it made me rethink coming to this university. Because he was wearing the same badge as mine, which means he was also an engineering student in the university. His shirt was all messed up, and his hair was neatly pomaded. His eyes were sharp, and looking at him was a difficult thing. After some time, I dusted my clothes off and entered the university."

"As I entered the university, most of the girls came rushing to me as if I had done something to them.

New: "Ahhh, don't hit me! I did nothing, I promise."

"Wahh, he is so cute!"

"He's the new boy. I think he's a softie. Poor thing."

"First day at school and collided with Tay Tawan himself."

New blinked at them with pure, questioning eyes.

"Don't worry, what's your name, new boy?" a girl stepped up.

All the other girls backed off upon seeing her.

Senior I'm sorry, we didn't know you were here for a visit."

Freen: "That's okay. Let the boy breathe. Go do your work now. I heard you guys slack off these days. You're seniors now, so stop the act."

Everyone left upon seeing the senior graduate.

New: "I'm New, New Thithipoom, the new student. You're the senior?"

Becky: "No, we're not. We're the graduate batch. We're here for our stuff and saw you being bothered by the girls. You're like freen; she was also really scared of new places."

New: "Oh, thank you! Thank you, senior, thank you!"

Freen: "Aww, no need for the greetings. You can go to your orientation class by going straight to the corridor. There you'll get your nametag and meet other freshmen as well. You won't have to participate in any freshman activities. Just go to class, and you're good to go."

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