Chap#4: I Am Sorry

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As Tay entered the class, Mark and Tay had class today. Off had his mom called, so he didn't join them in the class.

Teacher: "So, I was going to assign you in groups of two to do this assignment. The previous assignment was a big hit among the seniors. Bright Win from Music Grad and Yinwar from our engineering area were the top two students who won this assignment. I want the trophy this time as well, Tay."

Tay: "Yes, sir."

Teacher: "What, sir? What did I tell you all? What is so important that you are not concentrating on me? Do you want the grade or not? What was I saying? Can you tell me, please?"

Stay: "I-I want the grade. I want the grade."

The class started laughing.

Teacher: "Stop it! You're all fooling around in the first year. Do you think this is a joke? Pathetic! Now, what did I say? New Please tell me, sir Tay, as he is so busy in his delusional thoughts."

New: "Sir, you said this is an important assignment among us, and two classmates will do it together. Also, Bright Win from our senior music class, and Yinwar, a senior from our engineering class, won this. So, you want the best from us."

Teacher: "Exactly, very good! What a good boy, you got it, sir Tay."

Tay: "Y-yes, sir."

Teacher: "Sigh, your partner is New."

Stay: "But, sir, I can partner with Mark."

Teacher: "Do I look dumb to you? The best you two can do is get knocked out after drinking."

The class again laughed.

Teacher: "You need a good boy like New to keep track of your studies. Are you fine with it, dear New?"

New: "Sir, yes."

Tay:  I am okay with it. Okay, sir."

Teacher: "Okay. Also, Jumpol is absent due to his house issues. Please tell him he will partner with Kay and Gun, you will be with Mark. All the other information is on the announcement board. Kindly go and find your partner. Thank you. We will discuss more about it in tomorrow's class."

Everyone: "Okay, sir!"

As the class was dismissed.

As the class was dismissed, students began to gather their belongings and prepare to leave. Tay felt a mix of emotions, Tay approached New,

As Tay was about to approach him, suddenly New's steps quickened, and he bolted away from Tay before Tay could catch him. It was like watching a squirrel evade a determined cat,

Tay: "You, really, I just want to talk."

New: "Go away!"

Tay saw a ball coming towards him; the ball hit his face, but it wasn't an injury, so he still followed New. However, he ended up colliding with a football player, fell on the ground, and got dirty with mud.

Tay: "Just wait! I am not going to leave until I catch you, that's it!"

After facing many problems, he still followed New.

New: "I don't want to talk. Leave me alone, or else I am going to tell the teacher you're bothering me!"

Tay: "When did I bully you, huh?"

New: "Stop running behind me!"

Tayy: "You stop running, I'll stop following you."

Tayy: "New, really, you're not a kindergarten boy, you're grown up. Let's talk."

New: "Get out of my face! You scare me. I don't want to see you."

Tayy: "Well, you were the one crying. Ugh, what the heck! I am tired. Just listen to me, bro."

New: "I am not your bro. I am no one to you. Leave me alone. You stole my first kiss. I was saving it for the best choice."

Tayy: "It's okay. I am not that bad of a choice. You won't stop making me run laps in the basketball court."

New: "You're not a bad choice; you're the worst choice."

New sighed as both New and Tayy fell over each other, making eye contact.

Here's the revised version with corrected spelling and grammar:

New was quick to get up, but Tayy clutched his hands tightly over New.

New: "What are you doing? Let me go, Tayy!"

Tayy: "You will listen to me, and then I will let you go."

New: "Someone will see us and get the wrong idea about us."

Tayy: "Are you listening or not?"

New: "I am all ears. Just speak fast. What do you want to say?"

Tayy: "I... I want to say..."

New: "Are you going to say it or not?"

Tayy: "I want to say... don't pressure me."

New: "Leave me alone or else."

Tayy: "Okay, I am sorry. I am sorry that I scolded you for no reason and that I kissed you. That was wrong, I admit it. But I had no intention of harassing you. You see, everyone just sees me as a bully. I am not a bully; I am just short-tempered."

New, in his mind, wondered, "What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling something in his arms?"

Tayy: "Do you get it?"

New: "Get what?"

Tayy: "Do you forgive me?"

New: "You said what you wanted. Now I will go. Let me go. Hurry up, please. Hurry up and let me go."

As Tayy opened his arms, New ran away.

Tayy: "At least tell me that you forgive me, New!"

New hurried to the bathroom and held his chest; his heart was beating fast from running and from staying in Tayy's arms for about 7 to 8 minutes. He held his chest, trying to adjust his thoughts on what just happened.

New: "Let's forgive him and move on, okay?" As New looked at himself in the mirror, he was red from running, not because of Tayy.

New: "I need to get myself together. Let's go."

Meanwhile, Tayy was sitting on the basketball court alone, catching his breath after running so much, lost in thought.

Tayy: "Did he forgive me? Should I go after him again, or should I just let it be? I'll ask him tomorrow again. But why am I bothered? Why do I even want his forgiveness? What the heck is wrong with me? Nothing is making sense. Also, he's my partner for the assignment. What will happen if he disagrees to be of any help? I think I should treat him and then clear the air wisely. That's the best way so we can start the assignment and that  what ifff..."

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