Chapter 37 :- Trust beyond Reproach

Start from the beginning

"Give me one more chance," I pleaded, my voice soft and sincere, "and I will never betray you again."

In that moment, as our eyes met in silent understanding, as my hands reached to her chin and lifted it gently, my fingers tracing the curve of her jawline, I felt her gaze lock onto mine with a mixture of vulnerability and anticipation. Her eyes, shimmering with unspoken desires, flickered briefly to my lips as I closed my eyes, leaned in to kiss her, the air thick with anticipation.

But before our lips could meet in a tender embrace, a sudden interruption shattered the fragile bubble of intimacy. My heart lurched in my chest as a voice, sharp with disbelief and anger, cut through the silence like a knife.


Startled, I opened my eyes, turned to my right, only to find K and Sho standing there, fury blazing in their eyes.

K's finger jabbed accusingly at me and Alice, "It's past 10 PM! We've been waiting for you since 8:30 in front of the restaurant. We called you a million times, but your phone was playing hide and seek. So, we thought, 'Let's take a leisurely stroll in the park.' And what do we find? You two, cozying up like penguins in Antarctica!"

Blushing furiously, I stumbled over my words in a rush to explain. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize... it was too late."

As K and Sho's eyes flickered between us, I took a step back. With a sheepish smile, I introduced Alice to them, relief flooding through me as they shook hands in polite greeting.

Turning back to Alice, I squeezed her hand gently, the warmth of her touch grounding me amidst the chaos. "Alice, I want you to come with me," I murmured, my voice laced with urgency. "Trust me, okay?"

Her nod was all the confirmation I needed, her grip tightening in mine as we followed K and Sho into the grand entrance of the hotel, 'Barclay Prime'. As we approached, the dim lights of the closing establishment cast long shadows across the marble floors.

Instructing the others to wait, I ventured inside the restaurant, my eyes scanning the room for the manager.

After all everything was meticulously planned by them they wanted me to find them, I suppose it would be acceptable for me to confront them directly.

A young woman met my gaze, her expression guarded as she addressed me. "I'm sorry, but the restaurant is closing now," she informed me curtly.

Ignoring her dismissal, I pressed forward, determination fueling my resolve. "I have no interest in the hotel," I insisted, my voice steady. "I would like to see Claire... Collins."

Her eyes widened in surprise, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Claire, huh? May I ask who you are?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"I'm Alvin Walker," I replied, meeting her gaze head-on. "I know about Vortex Vanguard Detectives, and I know who you guys are and what your deal is. I know that you're after me too, I am here cause I want to make a deal with you."

Her amusement faded, replaced by a steely resolve as she snapped her fingers, signaling for assistance. Two waiters approached, their expressions wary as they flanked me on either side.

"Quite fearless, aren't you?" she remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of admiration. "But you shouldn't have come alone."

I held her gaze unwaveringly, my resolve unshaken. "I'll be straight with you," I declared, my voice firm. "I'm not in the mood for a fight. I'll give you every piece of information I have about Elizabeth because she's my enemy too."

With an evil smirk, I added, "But if you want to choose violence, I'll gladly take you on."

Before anyone could react, a sudden touch on my shoulder sent a bolt of adrenaline coursing through me. Instinct took over, and I spun around, ready to strike, only to find myself face to face with another woman, clad in pristine white attire.

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