Chapter 34 :- Whispers Of Laboratory

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As the phone buzzed in my pocket once again, I retrieved it with a hint of exasperation. Glancing at the caller ID, my heart sank at the sight of "Elizabeth" flashing on the screen.

What could she possibly want now? Seriously, can't this woman just zip it for a hot minute? I was about to unleash my inner badass and drop some wisdom bombs on how to brawl like a champ.

With a resigned sigh, I answered the call, bracing myself for whatever news awaited on the other end of the line.

As Elizabeth's voice filled my ear, my eyes widened in shock. Whatever she was saying was enough to make my heart race and my mind reel. Hastily slipping the phone back into my pocket, I turned to K, Sho and Rachel.

"Well, guys," I began, my voice carrying a sense of urgency, "We have a big problem. The mission has shifted to today from tomorrow, and we need to move right now. The car will be here soon."

To my surprise, none of them seemed daunted by the sudden change of plans. Instead, they nodded with determined smiles, their eyes reflecting the same steely resolve that burned within me.

Unable to suppress a smile of my own, I nodded back at them. "Well, then," I said, my tone firm but tinged with excitement, "Pack your bags and let's meet back here."

With a shared understanding, they dispersed to their respective rooms, each tasked with gathering the essentials for our impromptu mission. As I entered my own room, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Approaching my bag, I carefully unzipped it and peered inside, my fingers brushing against the cold metal of the pistol and the sleek edge of the knife that Robert gave me on my last mission. I should keep them with me.

I zipped it closed and slung it over my shoulder, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us. Stepping out of my room, I found K, Sho, and Rachel already waiting, their bags packed and determination etched into their expressions.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired about the contents of their bags, receiving a range of responses that spoke to their individual strengths and preparedness. Rachel and Sho carried only water bottles, a testament to their practicality and focus on endurance, while K, was armed with his hacking equipment, long ropes and a stash of snacks to keep his energy up.

I let out a sigh, trying to ease the tension that coiled within me. Glancing at Sho and K, my eyes caught the subtle bulges at their waists – guns. I urged them not to resort to firearms unless absolutely necessary. Their reassurances sounded hollow, but I nodded anyway, knowing we had to tread carefully.

As we made our way downstairs, anticipation hung heavy in the air. I seized the opportunity to pull K aside, away from the watchful eyes of Sho and Rachel. Gratitude swelled within me as I thanked him for inadvertently locking us out, allowing for a private conversation with Rachel.

K flashed me an awkward smile, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. "Hate to burst your bubble, bro, but I locked the door by accident," he admitted, a hint of relief in his voice.

My hopes, soaring just moments ago, crashed down with a resounding thud. It stung to realize that there was no grand plan, just a fortunate accident.

Just then, the sound of a car engine approached, growing louder until a sleek Honda Accord pulled up right in front of us. With a gentle hum, the window scrolled down, revealing Robert in the driver's seat, his presence commanding attention. He gestured us to get in.

I sat in front row beside Robert. Rachel, K, and Sho sat in the back row as Robert started driving. Curious about our destination, I inquired, and he informed us that we were headed into the ominous Dow Hill forest.

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