
978 40 11

"I'll be right here on the ground when you come back."

Im still hurting

I used to think letting you go would release me from all the pain. But hell, i was wrong. Letting you go means hurting even more. I couldn't see your face every night. Even though i hurt seeing you with lipstick stains on your working shirt, it was better than seeing nothing at all. I miss you now. I miss those green eyes of yours. It hurts, waking up in the middle of the night and thinking how are you now. Are you hurting like i do or are you happy because you're finally free from me? But harry, my love, as much as i love you, i don't want to be the only thats hurting. Its not fair. I spent every night of the past two months hoping that there was still hope between us. I was hoping you would change. I was hoping that you would come back to me and i promised if you did that, i would forget what you did and still love you the same. Screw 'was', I'm still hoping. Call me a crazy and obsessed woman, i don't care because im still deeply in love with you and it hurts being away from you. Im sure spending your two years with me was a long time. Im sure you haven't forget my favorite ice cream flavor and how you used to buy me every month on the 17th. Im hella sure you haven't forget me. Im the one who made you breakfast for the past year even though you never eat them anymore for the last two months. But if you forgot me already, i might as well be stabbed 70 times, it would be less painful than being forgotten by the person you love the most.

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