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I was dozing off carelessly and not giving a damn. I knew that my ma could visit my room at any time to wake me up, as it was already 11:30 a.m.

After only two or three minutes, my room's door abruptly opened, revealing my ma as expected.

"AYYY KUMBHAKARNA WAKE UP!!!" Ma shouted at me without knowing that her daughter was in deep slumber.

"Ma please five minutes more" I murmured in a low tone and buried my face below my pillow as I didn't want to wake up so soon.

"No more sleeping Ayu! Just wake up!!" Ma said in an ordering tone and parted the curtains of my room.

My eyes were being directly exposed to the sun's rays as my mother opened the curtains in my room, stopping me from falling asleep.

"Ahh ma let me sleep please" I responded and covered my face with my comforter in order to stop the sun rays from getting into my eyes.

"WAKE UP AYU!!" Ma again shouted at me in an ordering tone and took away the comforter from me.

As my mother took away my comforter I was left with no option but to wake up right away. I immediately woke up, got out of bed, and began stretching to make myself feel less sleepy.

"Good morning ma" I said while rubbing my eyes in a sleepy tone and got off the bed.

After getting off from bed I hugged ma tightly from behind and a giant smile appeared on my face. "Finally, ma, after so many days, I'm able to hug you. I really missed you a lot ma." I stated in a sleepy tone.

"I missed you too Ayu." Ma responded while hugging me back.

After a few minutes ma broke the hug saying "Alright Ayu now go and get fresh."

"As you say matashri" I said in a funny way and ma softly chuckled at me.

"By the way ma, today I will be going to Divya's house to meet her." I said to ma.

"Sure Ayu but are you going to stay there tonight or will you come back?" Ma asked as a curious expression emerged on her face.

"I don't know ma if I'll stay there or not but if I do then I'll surely inform you." I replied. Ma nodded with a smile and left the room.

Upon my mother's exit, I glanced at my room, as I had also missed it. My room, which also means "my comfort zone," is filled with a lot of priceless childhood memories. I had not seen this room in a year. Nothing compares to this room, despite the fact that I live in a good apartment in Mumbai due to my job.

I wandered over to the bathroom to take a warm shower after admiring my room for a few minutes. After a tight schedule, a warm shower was definitely something I craved.

I hadn't slept for so long in a long time. I hardly ever had time to get a decent night's sleep because of my hectic schedule.

I live alone in Mumbai and work as a psychiatrist. Meanwhile, my ma lives alone in Hyderabad. My family just consists of my ma. She is the most important person in my life. Just yesterday I came back to Hyderabad after a year, taking 7 days' leave from my work.

From the age of 5, I saw my parents fighting every single day. Every night, my baba came back home drinking and beat my ma very badly. Moreover my baba cheated on my ma with one of his colleagues. He never loved me or my ma. My baba considered me a 'burden' as I was a 'girl'.

The worst thing was that they had a love marriage. I heard that he treated my ma very well before marriage but after marriage he behaved like a monster with her. Since then I lost my faith in love and decided to never fall in love.

Later, when I turned 13, ma divorced baba. Following the divorce of my parents, me and my ma moved from Kolkata to Hyderabad, where ma acquired a decent job. Since she was highly educated, so she got a job as a teacher in a big school. At the same school, I took admission.

Since childhood, I had been a good student. Upon witnessing my ma's suffering, I became more resolute in my determination to work hard and become an independent woman at any cost. Therefore, due to my sheer hard work and firm dedication, I became a psychiatrist.

I also have another very important person in my life. She's none other than Divya, my best friend. When I took admission to the new school, I met Divya. Since then, we have became best friends. I had many friends, but they all eventually left except her, who stayed with me. She was with me in my ups and downs. She never left me. Just last year she got married.

And due to the occasion of Divya's wedding, I last came to Hyderabad the previous year and after that, due to my hectic schedule, I didn't get any time to come back to Hyderabad. As a result, I wasn't able to meet my ma or my best friend for a year.


Following my shower, I went downstairs, where I could smell the aroma of freshly made food. As I descended the stairs my eyes were drawn to the mouthwatering authentic Bengali dishes that were displayed on the dining table.

"Oh Ayu you've already come?" Ma asked as soon as she saw me coming downstairs.

"Ma you've made all these dishes for me?" I asked ma with a genuine shock.

"Yes Ayu I've made all your favourite dishes today" Ma replied as her lips curled into a warm smile.

"Thank you so much ma" I said as a broad smile emerged on my face. "It's been a long time since I last ate your handmade food." I added.

"Don't say thank you Ayu it's my responsibility as a mother" Ma stated. After that ma pulled out one of the chairs for me saying "Now come sit here, I'll serve you the food."

After that, my ma and I had lunch together and gossiped a lot. The sounds of our laughter flooded the previously quiet house.

Gossiping with ma was definitely something that I truly missed while staying in Mumbai.

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