Entry 27

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I went to a fair today
It was muddy from the rain the day before
The part everyone stood last year was flooded
I watched a girl her bestfriend and her boyfriend go to the fair

I watched them observed them only when they did this was I stunned
It's sad I was stunned
The guy picked his girlfriend up over the flooded part so her pants didn't get wet

Why I was so stunned is sad
Why don't we have more guys like that
Why do I wish I had one so bad

Somehow this gave me hope
It made me think wow love does exist still
But even if it does will I ever get it?

I always wonder will I die alone
Or will I die with my love
I will never know the anwser
I hope I never will

I want a guy to carry me over my puddles
I want him to hold my hand
I want us to hug each other
I want us to cry to each other
I want us to grow old together
I want us to fall for each other harder each day

I want love I no longer see
I want a guy who will truely care about me

I don't want one who will use me for my body
Or will only be with me for looks
Or hates on my personality
Or let's his friends be mean to me
I just want him to care
Why is that so much to ask now?

I'm starting to think, I'm emotionalWhere stories live. Discover now