Entry 18

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Dear friend from class,
I'm sorry your insercure
I'm sorry you hate yourself
I'm sorry you use me as a Escuse
You somehow put your insecurities on me
You say "I wish I had your body"
"I wish I had your hair."
"I wish I had your life."
But you don't know I wake up everyday and look in the mirror to make sure my stumach doesn't look bloated or fat.
You don't know I've been insecure about my hair for most of my life
You don't know I how bad my life is in general.

I've had two people in my lifr tell me I must have a amazing life
My family is alittle fucked up
I don't have siblings so I get alittle lonely sometimes
I have a bestfriend but she moved to away last year
I have friends but there nothing like her

I miss my life a year ago
But I also hate it
I hated last year
I wanted to die
I was basically in depression

Now I'm here in my dream room
I now have non toxic friends
I now are learning so many new things
I'm now getting good grades
I'm now reading alot
I'm now finally happy

I still have bad thoughts sometimes
But the best part about this year is I can finally say it's okay

I'm starting to think, I'm emotionalWhere stories live. Discover now