Entry 17

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Maybe I'm stupid
Maybe I'm just weird
But why is it that everyone believes
That if they say it it's true
Your gonna believe it cause they said it
You said no one is perfect and I didn't believe it
You said he was a good person but I didn't believe it
You said I was pretty but I didn't believe it
You said you better get those grades up and I didn't fucking care
Just cause you say it doesn't mean I believe it
Stop thinking I'm stupid
I don't believeing I'm gullible
I'm not here to be told things
I'm here to live my life
And life comes with words
But not all of them are true
Just cause you are important to me doesn't mean
Your the most truthful person
Cause your not
Stop convincing your self that

I'm starting to think, I'm emotionalWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt