Entry 11

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I sit in class and stare out the window
I wonder why I put myself through pain
I think about how I have been told so many time bad things but they will never hurt as much as I hurt myself
How I can't believe I deserve happiness
So I spend time day dreaming of the worst scenario
Stupid right?
It feels good
I'm ashamed of it
But it feels good
Like making myself feel bad in my self harm
Cause I am my enemy
I hurt myself more than anyone ever will
Cause someone hating me is one thing
But me hating myself is a bigger thing
It hurts more knowing I don't accept myself
So why do I do it even when I realize it
Why is it a sword fight between me and myself in a mirror
Why is it always a draw
Why can't the good side of me when
And why does the bad side of me seem to put up a fight
Why is it that I see darkness in my light and light in my darkness
They were equals
They would always win and be a draw
Cause they never went against each other
Instead they faced it together
Both side of me my good and bad they did it together

I'm starting to think, I'm emotionalWhere stories live. Discover now