not a cap: just some facts

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facts about my au:


cg has a Minecraft house in alans pc whit bedrooms for each member of cg, tsc lives there while the stick fighters alternate between the Minecraft house and the Google basé.

the king duo

they live mostly in a little house in Minecraft, purple lives there while mt alternates between the Minecraft house and his house in stick city, they also visit cg sometimes and cg visites them.......

the gosth trío

while gold and orchid are usualy following mt and purple.....victim follows tco and tdl.
the gosth trío reunites sometimes to practice they gosth powers whit victim as the teacher. in my au there is 2 victims:
gosth victim (aka: vt, Victorio thimoty, Vic)
and canon victim (aka: c! victim,boss victim)

the internet duo

tco Is sometimes in stick city (not much time since the wanted episode), but lives in a house away from there, he has a black cat named kitty

he goes to stick city sometimes too (he has free will bc everyone thinks he's dead), he lives whit tco but he also has a búnker where he makes what he wants (like the virabots)

the virabots

there is 2 tipes of virabots in my au....

-tdl virabot:  this virabot was one of the only virabots that survived the showdown, she survived bc dark hided her in a safe place before that happened (he hided her bc she was to tiny and harmless to fight) he named her viri

-corrupted virabot:  this virabot was stolen by $#@&$#$ and corrupted by the same person before the showdown, now that person uses the virabot to fight against tdl

more oc's/characters

he lives in stick city (in a hotel for fighters), (in my au) he left purple and orchid bc: orchid and him had a lot if fights bc he wanted to teach purple how to fight and defend themselves and orchid didn't let him, one time they where fighting about it and he almost hit orchid.....he didn't wanted to hurt her so he left.

information about ??? is unknown

information about ??? is unknown


well, that's all i think

ep 1 will be posted soon (if im not lazy)

cya pals!✨

(374 words)

tdl's story (ava/m story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя