"What?" I asked into the silence.

Nya and Lloyd glanced at each other.

"Guys, what?!"

Nya was the first to speak up. "Um Raila, did you know your eyes could turn purple?"

"What?!" I yelled jumping up from my spot and racing over to my body mirror on my closet door.

To my horror my eyes weren't blue like they normally were. They were BRIGHT FLIPPING PURPLE!

"What the John?!"

I started to panic grabbing my face. I blinked multiple times hoping it wasn't real and I would open them back up to see the normal blue eyes staring back.

"Why are my eyes purple? They shouldn't be purple! They should be blue! Why aren't they blue?"

I turned back to Nya and Lloyd straight fear on my face. They were both standing up by now. Lloyd took a step closer and out stretched his arms a confused look in his eyes.

Then I realized he wasn't looking at me.

When I glanced in the direction he was looking I saw one of the pillows on my bed was floating. A purple glow around it. Purple like my eyes.

I looked from Lloyd to Nya to the pillow. My vision started to blur. My legs felt wobbly. My tongue like led. The last thing I saw was Lloyd running to me before it all went black.


"You worry to much dear I know she has it. We now have to find the Green One and there combined powers will be ours." I woman's voice rung in my head.

When I opened my eyes the only thing I could see was a purple mist but as I blinked it shifted into the ceiling of my room.

I was in my bed the covers draped over my body. I groaned and looked around my room. It was empty no one else was there.

'Where did Nya and Lloyd go?'

I lifted myself into a sitting position and shifted my legs to the edge of the bed. Once my socks hit the floor I headed for the door. I started slowly walking down the stairs at the sound of talking.

At the final step I saw Lloyd talking with Lin in the living room. He must of heard the floor creak as I stepped off the stairs, because his gaze caught mine.

In an instant I remembered all that had happened before I blacked out. Lloyd saw my face turn to panic and was at my side in seconds.

"Raila it's ok. Your ok." His voice was soft and soothing as he set his hand on my elbow, keeping me up right. But I could get what happened out of my head. 

My eyes were locked on the hard wood floor. My legs felt like jelly under me. My mind was spinning with unanswered questions. My eyes flickered between blue and purple.

"Darling, look at me." He commanded in a gentle tone.

I looked up meet those comforting green eyes of his.

"Lloyd, what w-was that? W-what is happening to m-me" My voice cracking and weak.

"I-" he sighed. "I don't know. But I promise you we will figure it out, ok?"

I could only nod.

Lloyd grabbed my shoulders to bring me closer to him and pulled me into a hug. His hands rested on the small of my back and the back of neck.

In his embrace I lost all control over my emotions. Tears fell down my cheeks as I dug my face deeper into his chest. Lloyds grip on me tightened.

"I'm scared.." I choked out.

He seemed to stiffen at those words but didn't move away.

"Oh Dove." He mumbled against the top of my head.

I wrapped my arms around his body and continued to sob. Lloyd turned to look at Lin and whispered something but between my loud sobs, I couldn't make it out. I didn't even care to at this point.

I soon found myself in Lloyd's arms as he carried me back up the stairs bridal style. He entered my room and I turned my face back into his chest his grip on me tightened for a moment. He tried to set me back in my bed but I refused to let go of him, I couldn't get myself to. He sighed and sat down on my bed before moving me so I was cradled in his lap.

My sobbing had stopped at this point but I couldn't bare to let go of the warmth Lloyd was emanating. Being with him felt right but my mind was so chaotic I couldn't place why. His hand traced up and down my arm in a soothing motion. I felt safe in his arms. I soon found myself falling back into the welcoming darkness of sleep.

AN: I hope you enjoyed this page!
Thank you for reading!
K out!

Where Purple Meets Green (Ninjago: Lloyd X Oc) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now